chapter twelve

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Serena was confined to bed rest for a week under the strict orderes of the doctor.This made her grumpy and act like a bear to Sebstian as a special treat.Thankfully he understood that it was temperory so he was extra gentle and understanding towards her.

She spent her time reading and painting in order for her to not lose her sanity from boredom.Sebstian made the immediate and maximum use of her hobby and threw a few ettiquet books her way.Seeing this,Rena just smiled to herself and thanked him..though each person had their speculation at this change in manners.

Seb had thought that Rena had finally decided to act like a gentle lady and act like what the ettiquet book dictated.Rena on the other hand thought the book was given to her as an indirect insult..She doesnt act like a lady.But she dismissed that idea and made use of the book for future reference.However for her it was plain boring but it was not her first time to read boring books.

One day,Knowing that staying with Sebstian is unacceptable,Rena hobbled down to where she knew Sebstian would be-the library.

Been granted permission to enter,She gently rotated the door knob and entered.However she was not prepared to find Hawk with Sebstian both drinking whiskey in the middle of the afternoon.

The men looked up at her in suprise.

"Yes,Serena" asked Sebstian. Hawk looked at his friend in unreadable expression at the use of Rena's name.Then he turned and looked at Rena in an unreadable look that made Serena feel unpleasantly uncomfortable.

"Sebstian,Iam sorry if i have interputted your private time,but i came to tell you an important decision.I wish to give Hawk's sister a chance.I wish to stay with her until i find somewhere suitable for my self."

At this Sebstian looked shocked while Hawk smirked.

"Knew you will come around.What made you to be enlightened?"Hawk commented."Well i already knew that staying here was unacceptable but i just didnt want to face it.Besides i have a feeling that iam keeping you from your every day life." She adressed Seb.

"I hope am not imposing on your sister."She said to Hawk as a way to include him in the conversation.

"Oh no.It will be Caroline's pleasure to take you under her wing.She loves having people over.And let me give you a better get used to dancing until after midnight and walking everyday because that going to be your routine for the next month as it is the season."Hawk commented dryly.

Both Sebstian groaned at the thought of having to dance with what he thought was half witted creatures whose idea of an intelligent conversation consisted of the weather and then fashion and then gossiping about other women.Thinking about the verbal duels he had with Serena made him smile and thank god for having found one completely intelligent female to run to when things went down hill...provided the other women dont turn her into one of them!

Serena on the other hand sighed dreamily at the prospect of  dancing until her feet become sore,wearing elegant dresses and been wooed to old fashioned way..with choclates choclates and other romantic ways with hadsome men who still had chilvary in them.And if two handsome men were standing right beside her made her feel beautiful she wondered what a roomful will make her feel.

"Hawk are you sure that your sister will have me?I mean i might be imposing on her." She asked carefuly.

"Yes iam sure.Caroline loves to play hostess just like her husband. But give me two days to tell her about you and allow her to prepare a suitable room."


"Serena,I noticed you use words that are unfamiliar to us." Seb commented.

"Yes they might be unfamiliar to you but they are perfectly normal from where i come from"

"Which is from where?"

"Sorry Seb.I cant tell you that.I told you before you will think Iam crazy."She replied.

"Miss, Iam already starting to think so!" he teased with his tone having an undercurrent of humour.

"Well if iam  crazy then it's because iam living under the same roof with you!" She retorted.None noticed the glances darting from Hawk between  them.It was clear he was enjoying the show.

"I see you are interested in her,Seb."

Hawk commented after Serena left

"I won't exactly call that.Having a woman who can actualy talk back to me without fainting,tittering,trembling or batting her lashes hard enough to cause a hurricane is a refreshing change."

"I can see that you are going to the extends of baiting her."

"Yes.I love seeing the fire in her eyes as she stands up to me.She is a tigress."

"And i also see that you might have met your match."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Seb asked sharply.His friend at once looked innocent.

"It means what it means.But if you insist on acting dimwitted,you will soon understand when all the men will follow her around like a flock of sheep and eventually break down Carolin's door just to see her."

"You think she is beautiful?"

"I dont think..I know.Only a fool or a blind person will not see that.As you are neither.Any way,I will leave you to your work.The war office is waiting on that report of the traitor who is smuggling weapons to france." With that he left,while smiling slyly.

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