chapter eight

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The next morning Serena woke up to find herself looking at unfamiliar plaster. And the lack of noises increased her feeling of confusion. A noise from the fire mantle drew her attention.

Infront of her was a girl not more than eighteen in age wearing what was clearly a servant's uniform.

"Good morning" was her groggy greeting to the girl.

The girl immediatly boobed a curtsy"Good morning,Miss. Iam becka who will act as your personal maid."

"Thank you Becka but i wont be needing a personal maid and please dont curtsy to me."

"But,Miss, I've been assigned by his lordship for you.He will have my head if i dont do as iam told. Besides he wishes to see you in the library after you breakfast."

"Why will he punish you?dont you have your freedom of speech or will?Is he unfair?"

Becka looked horrified at such a question."Of course  not,Miss.His lordship is the best.He is fair with us servants and very gentle.But you dont want to the one recieving his anger at a mistake." was the reply.

"If he is gentle and kind, i still have to see it.Any ways, what's the date today?"

"Its April first 1812. let's get you tidied up,Miss"

Becka practically dragged Rena the wash basin where she was given a strange looking brush with some powdered paste that was in place of toothpaste.It tasted horrible but atleast it gave the desired results. After a quick face and hand wash, and a stroke of brush through the hair, Serena was ready.She dimissed Becka and quickly changed from her pajamas, to a dress she found into a closet.She was sure Becka noticed her attire but was thankful she didnt comment.

On her way out,she bumped into another servant..a male servant.

"Will you please show me  where iam to have my breakfast?"She asked.

"This way,Miss" was all he said before leadind her to the Dinner room. She ate without tasting her food because all the while she was thinking of the prank that was played on her...or what she thought was a prank.

The same servant who had showed her to the dinner room waited till she finished and lead to the library and then left.

After a quick knock,She was granted entrance.The Library was her dream library.It was huge and lined every where with books. It looked to Serena all the books of the world could be found somewhere here. Then a clearing of throat brought her back to reality.

"If you are finished gaping like a fish please feel free to sit down" Said Richard's double.

She crosses the room and sat across him, with just a spank clean desk separting them.

"Okay Richard, really enough with the joke.Do you want it to be the longest joke in history or what?Oh, I get it..this is an april's fool joke you are trying to pull on me but am not falling for it."She greeted him as a way of goodmorning.

"Look lady i have no intention of repeating yesterday with you because iam strarting to get bored with all this.Now i need you to come clean.Who are you and what do you want from me?who sent you?"

Before she could answer, the door crashed open and in came a blond haired green eyed and tall, well built man.

"Nice entrance,Hawk"  the duke said to the man.Then to Serena he said "This is Hawk Montgamri,my childhood friend."

At once she piped up"Am Serena Edwards, an acquintance of your friend.We just met."All this was said before the duke could get a word in.

"Pleased to meet you Miss Edwards.Hope you will be able to influence my friend with your gentilty."

Then he walked up to  the duke and thrust a newspaper which was just black and white in his face."Look at what the bastard has done." He muttured,clearly indicating serena has no place in the discussion.

While Sebastian was ruffling through the pages,Serena was trying to glimpse the date written on top of the page.When  She saw it was april first 1812,she grabbed the paper suprising  the men just to make sure she saw right.There was no mistaking it was the right date.

Serena felt herself go really pale.

"Umm.miss Edwards?You look green around the..." started Hawk.

Before he could finish,Rena ran to window and all the food retracted back her through, making her expel her breakfast.

When she finished, she looked back at the men in suprise and found them looking at her with a mixture of suprise and horror in their faces.

"Charming!" Sebstian said,while his friend and Serena said nothing.

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