Love stronger than time

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This is my first story.Please comment rate and vote.

Bring Bring....A shrill tune of a cellphone around a small apartment while its occupant was still asleep.
" Hello...Who the hell is calling me at 9 a.m on a saturday morning?" snapped Serena Edwards.
"Sorry Miss Edwards for disturbing you at this time. My name is Jonas Williams, an attrony from  the Williams law agency.
"How may I help you,sir?"
"Am sorry to inform you that your great uncle Nicholas has passed away yesterday evening and apparently you are the only heir written for his estate. May you please come to my office on Monday Morning at 10 to discuss issues relating to your inhertinace?"
"Okay, i will."
"I will sent you the directions via fax.please sent me your number."
"Okay sir. Thank you for informing me and sorry for how i greeted you."
"No problem. Iam also not a morning person.Enjoy your weekend."
"You too sir."
With that Serena hung up the phone while still reeling from the news.
"i didnt even know i have an uncle.i thought am all alone in this world." she thought.
Serena's parents died when she was ten years old and when the social services found she has no living relatives, they put her in an orphanage till she reached adult hood. From there she she went to college with her parent's inhertinace and watever she saved in the petty jobs she worked. After graduating from Arts Major she started her own art gallery that became a sucess. Many authors now asked her to work on their book covers and she was rewarded a signed book as a reward .Now she has her small library of books that mostly consisted of historical romance.
Serena's weekend went by uneventful  since her best friend recently married is now enjoying her honeymoon.
Ten a.m on Monday morning came to find serena at a dingy little office wearing a black Armani suit with her hair proffessionally done in a french twist.Sitting in front of her was a green eyed black haired man who looked in his early forties with a well built body.
What Mr Jonas saw was a blonde haired blue eyed slim woman who looked in her middle twenties.What suprised him the most was the wisdom and sophitication that hung around her like an aura.
"Miss Edwards?"
"Yes,that would be me."
"First let me give you my condlonces on the loss of your great uncle.To me he was not a client but a friend and we have been together since i started this firm.In fact he was my first client and without him i wouldnt made any progress"
"Thank you sir, but i really didnt know him.I always thought i didnt have any relatives left since my parents passed away twelve years ago.
"Apparently he recently found out about you too. After he knew of your existance he wanted to contact you but he was diagnosed with an advanced stage of leukemia and he then he changed his mind so as not to cause you any grieve once he passed away."Jonas explained.
"I really wished i knew him even if for a short time."
"So do i,but there is nothing we can do now. Now let me read you his will."
He opened a brown envelope and removed a few documents and a letter.
"This is the last will and testment of Nichlals William Edwards that has been written and signed by me with my free will and full mental health and in the presence of my attorny Mr Jonas Daniel Williams.
I hereby grant all my worthly possesions to my only living relative and heir Miss Serena Rose Luke Edwards. It is a house in the centre of london in park avenue house 222. Unfortunately my financial status was pretty poor so after repayin my debt to the banks i didnt have much so i used to renovate the house and pay Mr Jonas for his services.
However i have one condition.The house is not to be sold but it can be rented if the heiress so wishes. I will explain the reason for my condition in a letter that is attached to Serena.
Nicholas William Edwards.
13.July 2012"
With that Mr Jonas finshed relating the contents of the will to Serena while she looked on speechless. Apparently her inheritance is incredible.
"I see you are shocked. Miss Serena, your house is in the busiest place of london and one of the biggest. It amounts toba fortune if it were to be sold and has a history. The house was built by duke Willington the first in 1630 and has been passed down to the following dukes until they lost their fortune and had to sell it."
"When can i go see it?" Serena asked
"As soon as the paper work is finished. Meaning within a weeks time. I will sent you a copy of the documents to be filled in the comming two days."
"Thank you sir."
"No am the one to thank you for your great uncle was truely a great person. And here is your letter."
He handed her the letter and walked her to the door. After saying goodbye Serena left leaving her old life behind.But she has no idea how much it has changed

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