chapter eleven

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It took a few moments for Rena to comprehend the position they were in, and at once she broke the kiss and scrambled like a scared rabbit, a feat that wasn't easily accomplished given her tangled skirts.

"Excuse me,but i don't think i know you well enough to allow you to kiss me.So excuse me if i dont jump at the prospect of you kissing me."

Seb slowly stood  up and brushed himself."My apologies,Miss Edwards.You are right,we dont know each other to allow each other intimate liberties."

With that he left her and headed back to the manor. She too was soon behind him. However her dramatic exist was soon punctured by her slipping on a patch of well watered grass and falling heavily on her ankle and piercing pain danced up her foot making her gasp in pain. Sebstian didnt even look back at her but continued his walk and was soon out of sight.

"This is so not my day?what did i do to  desereve this? I wish i could go back to my plain boring life." Rena thought to her self. She attempted to get back on her feet but she fell back due to the swelling that was visible on her ankle.Any pressure on it makes her experience a tenfold pain."Looks like i sprained my ankle.Guess thats what i get for been rude to Seb.And to say the truth,i did enjoy the kiss."She thought to her self as she clutched her ankle.

"Guess i have no choice but to swallow my pride and crawl across to get to house.I don't care if any one sees me."

At once she started carring out her thought but a sensation of been watched overtook her and a quick glance told her Seb was leaning on the door,with unreadable expression on his face.Serena at once looked down and continued crawling determined not to ask for his help but her eyes filled with tears for been caught in such a situation.She felt humiliated as she kept insisting she didnt care.

It took her quiet a while till she reached to doorway and by then her dress was ruined by the grass staines sprinkled on her knee area.Determined to finish the way to her  room on her own,she stood up and hoped her way across the foyer.

However she didnt get far before she lost her balance and landed on her bottom."Darn it!!I hate this so much!" She yelled. At last she swallowed what was left of her dignity and looked up at Sebstian with a plea in her tear filled eyes.

"May you please help me to my room?" She asked.

"About time you asked for help.I was hoping you will ask sooner than later but you are so stubborn."

He crossed to foyer in two steps and picked her bridal style while been very careful not to jostle her ankle to cause any more pain.At his gesture she at once buried her face in his waist coat and at once let go of all the supressed tears.

At the feeling of wetness in his coat,Seb instantly started making soothing hum and stroking her disarrayed hair. Instead of going up the stairs,he went to the drawing room and deposited her on a sofa gently.He then proceeded to give her his handkerchief to dry her tears.

"I have never met a woman who makes me feel angry then rage at her then feel friendly then desire her and then be angry at her once again and then concerned in just one day.This is just too much emotion to handle.But i think i like it.No day will be boring with you around."He gently whisphered.

When he saw she was finished with her tears and was gently leaning her head on his shoulder he felt warm inside and took her gesture as an invitation to continue their budding friendship.

Seb slowly stood up then he put a cushion to support her head.He then sent for the doctor who came with in ten minutes.By then Rena was sleeping.The doctor soon bandaged her ankle and left her something for the pain. Seb soon carried Rena up to her room where she slept until late evening while Sebstian was watching over her.

However no one knew of another pair of eyes who was observing them since the morning.He only left when Serena was carried up to her room to sleep off her exhaustion.

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