Chapter eighteen

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Unfortunately,fate had other plans for everyone.Because of her enlongated stay in the rain and sleeping in her wet clothes,Rena got a bad case of cold.She kept sneezing and sniffing as soon as the she opened her eyes.She even tried uttering sounds but it sounded as if a bullfrog got stuck in her throat.In the end she thought of staying in bed until someone came to check up on her.However her mind seemed to make use of the her inability to move and be engaged in other things.She remembered how harsh Sebstian was with her yesterday and that made her furious.She resolved that the next time she saw him she will give him an earful of what she thought of his attitude towards her but not before she got better.Then as she remembered all the times they had together and how they never seemed to get along she smiled.Not wanting to go any further down that lane,she turned to other thoughts,like what must be happening back home...except her definition of home startes to blur making her confused.

unable to stay in bed in any longer,Rena stood up and with great difficulty she changed into a cotton of her own design to make her feel closer to home and threw on a robe.

"I no longer care about their stupid rules.So what if i go downstairs wearing a robe during breakfast." she thought to her self.

The house was eerily quiet,telling her it was still early to expect breakfast.Instead of going back to her room,she went to the drawing room and opened a window overlooking the small yard and sat on the sill,allowing the gentle breeze to play havoc on her hair.

A noise made her turn her head to see Hawk standing in the door way looking at her with a gleam in his eyes."Intersting way to enjoy the morning air."He commented dryly.

"And good morning to you too.So you are an early bird too."

"Excuse me?an early bird?"

"yes.didnt you hear of the proverb:the early bird gets the worm?"

"No,i didnt.would you please explain it?"He asked as he sat next to her.

"It just means that a person who wakes up early gets more done than one who wakes up late."

"Serena.."Hawk started but stopped when he saw her looking up at him,making his heart skip a beat."Is there something on my face?" he asked.

"No,it's just that my name sounds so strange.It's the first time you say it.You always say Miss Edwards."

This made him blush and look away,making Rena burst out in laughter.

"I wanted to ask why are you like a tigress when you are around Sebstian and a meek lamb around us?"

"It's just that Sebstian flares my temper.He is always poking me and is trying to mold me into something am not and you accepted me as iam."

"I really think that Sebstian is enjoying your temper which is why he intentionally provokes you."

"you think so?" she asked curiously.

"I know so.Sebstian is lonely but he doesnt want to show it.He suffered alot in his youth.In fact he had a brother,but when his family moved into the house,the boy dissapeared.No one knows where or how he went,leaving behind everything he left except for a family crest.

"How old was Sebstian when his brother dissapeared?

"He was seventeen.But i dont know how old was his brother.I heard a rumour going on during that time that his brother was a drunkard and never cared for anything.Even now the memory pains Seb because he and his brother were very close."

"Do you know his brother's name?"

"I think it was Robert."

Serena was shocked speechless at this piece of information.


Hawk looked down on Serena in suprise."Why?Do you know him?"

"No i dont think so."She lied quickly"Excuse me,am getting cold.I need to go change.

She quickly stood up...too quickly for her body's likening.The sudden motion and her lack of norishment and sleep made her dizzy once again.She at once reached out for Hawks shoulder to steady her self.

"Serena?What's wrong?"Hawk asked worried.

"Nothing.Iam just extra hungry.I think am ready to eat a whole cow alone."

That made Hawk crack a smile.He then lead her to the empty kitchen and sat her on the table.

"Dont expect much from me.This is the one place i avoid like the plague."

"Iam expecting nothing from you."

She then stood up and searched for flour and pancake ingridients and made a few pancakes.After finishing she put a plate infront of Hawk who looked blankly down on it.

"What's this?"

"They are called pancakes.They are popular from where i come from."

"Which is where?"

At that moment,Rena took a bite out of her pancake.Hawk got the silent message:Rena doesnt want to talk about herself.

"When will you be able to trust me?or Sebstian"he thought to himself while he ate the food,which he found to his liking.

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