Prinxiety-The fight

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Beware, this gets a little intense.

Warning: Violence, cursing

Patton's POV

They're at it again. They have been fighting more and more and more.

"Hey guys? Can we settle down a little?"

"Fuck off Patton. No one needs your shit right now," Roman said, glaring at Virgil.

"First off, language, second, what's your issue?"

"My issue is you bothering us all the time, and getting on everyone's nerves!"


"You're a piece of shit that doesn't deserve happiness."

"Well everyone deserves happiness," I mumble. I smile through the pain and await for everything to come crashing down.

"Maybe, But you're no one. You're a nobody. Now leave before I make you." I coward down, I headed to the stairs and ran up them. I lock myself in my room and cry. I know I'm a nobody but I don't need him to point it out. I'm supposed to be the happy one.

Virgil's POV

Patton left the room and we were silent. A door slammed and then muffled crying followed.

"What?" Roman asks, dumbfounded as I stare at him.

"Why did you say any of that to Patton? He's the most loved by the fans and you made him feel like shit."

"It's not my fault he's so annoying. Trying to bring peace and crap." He replied smugly.

"Well you don't have to bring him down to make yourself feel better. Your insecurities show through what you say to bring others down. I would know."

"Why don't you just shut up? You know nothing. You just can't take a hint?"

"What would that hint be? That you feel entitled to bringing others down? That you feel like you're nothing so you have to make others feel like nothing? That you're making me want to punch you?" With every question I step closer, I'm literally in his face currently and I can feel him breathing.

"Do it."


"Punch me. You get one free hi-" I connect my first to his jaw right before he finishes what he's saying. He brings his hand up to his lip which is now bloody. He looks at the drops of red in his hand and looks back at me.

He then cocked his arm back and attempts to punch me. I duck but not before he can grab my hair.

He yanks me into his arm and proceeds by placing me in a choke hold. He knees me in an unpleasant area which makes me want to get me out of his grasp quicker so I can breath. He punches my face twice and I end up elbowing him. He finally lets go and I start gasping for breath. He yanks me by the front of my hoodie and looks me in the eyes. "Speak to me like that again. I dare you. I fucking dare you."

"Let me go you piece of shit," I growl.

He laughs, "What? You gonna go cry to Logan about it? Get help from Patton?"

"Shut up," I mumble, struggling once again to get out of his grasp.

"What was that princess?"

"Shut up," I say a little louder. "And don't call me princess."

"Why don't you make me shut up? Find a way and maybe I will."

I look at him dumbfounded. Make him? How? I look at his face, his eyes have the classic look of, I'm better than you so bow down and his lips are curved into a smirk. There was no denying I found him attractive, the prince facade did charm me...would that work?

"Go on..I'm waiting." I look up at him once more before grabbing him by the shoulders and pressing his lips to mine. Once we were detached, he looked at me. "What was that?"

"A way to shut you up and tell you I have a crush on you.." I say, looking at the ground shyly.

He brings a hand to my chin and lifts my head. "I'm so sorry, it was stupid to start fighting because..because I had no way to sort out my feelings for you."

"I-I uh..what?"

"I like you."

"You do?"

"Yeah..also, we need to patch up our faces, you have a black eye and my lip is probably still bleeding, amongst other things."

"Yeah..that would be smart," I smile up at him.

Fighting does get us somewhere.

So? How'd you like it?

Is it good so far? I hope it is. Thanks for reading! See you later!

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