Dating the Sides-Deceit

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*The nicknames
*Actually the most adorable snake on earth
*You detect his lying
*You suck at lying but he thinks it's adorable
*You give him this really cute pouty face whenever you want something and you usually get it
*The amounts of adorableness you two show when you're together must be stopped!
*You like teasing him about the amount of puns he makes (Surprisingly he's worse than Patton)
*You two love pulling pranks on the others
*Making chocolate cakes together is what you guys do best
*You two will just find video clips of Loki and just watch them for hours on end
*You like to wear his cape and hat
*He doesn't actually get jealous easily...depending on the situation
*Everyone thinks he's bad for you but he helps you through so much
*He takes you on dates to fancy places
*He gets confused really easily
*Like, he's just adorable
*You don't understand his lying sometimes though you know he is lying
*You get really sarcastic and he gets really proud of you for finding a way to lie that suits you the best
*You guys do everything together
*Matching tattoos! He got the moon and you got the sun because you two are polar opposites that are adorable

depending on the situation*Everyone thinks he's bad for you but he helps you through so much*He takes you on dates to fancy places*He gets confused really easily*Like, he's just adorable*You don't understand his lying sometimes though you know he ...

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So I know this isn't the DeceitXReader yet. I feel like I'm getting you guys all hyped up and I'm going to disappoint...there's a possibility that part one might be done or up or whatever tomorrow but don't count on it...sorry about the wait...

Take it easy guys, gals, and non binary pals!

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