Logicality-Yes, Please

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No warnings, just fluff

Logan's POV

Patton's sick. Not a good sick either. He's throwing up and he's burning. He takes about five naps per day, it's unhealthy. Anyways, whenever he falls asleep, he starts shivering so I put a blanket on him and kiss his forehead.

No one knows I have a crush on him, except Virgil. He walked in on me studying feelings, specifically love. I was viscously scribbling notes and mumbling Patton's name. He walked up behind me looked at my notes and realized what I was doing, sorting out my feelings for him.

Today, I asked Patton if soup and a cookie would make him feel better.

"Yes, please," he mumbled quietly. Poor thing.
"What kind?"

"Tomato, please."

I travel to the kitchen where Virgil is eating Doritos. Nothing new. "Did you tell Patton yet?"

"Lower you're voice," I hiss, "to answer your questions, no," I say, straightening my tie. "I'm hoping to talk to him about it soon though."

"Logan?" I hear a groggy voice from the other room.

"I'll be right back," I say to Virgil as I walk out of the room.

"I don't really want food right now. I'm too tired," he says, frowning slightly.

"Do you want me to make it later then?"

"Yes, please," he says, I smile and tell him okay and to get some rest.

Patton's POV

"Logan? Can we cuddle?" I ask. Logan's face turns red.

"Not right now, you're sick and I prefer not getting sick," he says, adjusting his glasses.

"Just for a little bit?" I ask, giving him my irresistible puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," he says giving in, "Up." I get up and he sits down, pats his legs, and motions to join him.

"You're comfortable," I mention.

"Oh, um..thanks."

I pretend to fall asleep on him so he can't move. I hear him sigh as he places a blanket on me and kisses my forehead.

Virgil's POV

I go into the living room where I see Patton curled up on Logan's lap.

'God. They're so cute it makes me sick,' I said to myself.

"Aw," Roman says, leaning up against the doorway, and I swear I saw Patton smile. "The nerd has feelings. You two are so cute together."

"Shut up," Logan said, blushing.

"You're blushing and not denying it. Do you have a crush?"

"Yes, I do like him, I mean, how could you not? He's adorable."

'I knew it,' I see Patton mouth. I knew he smiled.

"Cut the act Patton, you're awake," I say, Logan turned bright red, I almost laughed.

"Darn it."

"Patton? You heard that?"

"Of course! I think you're adorable too," He say and kissing his nose.

"You like me?"

"I wouldn't have kissed your nose otherwise!"

We're silent for a moment before Roman speaks up, "Well Logan, do you have something to ask?"

"Oh, um, Patton? Would you like be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, please."

"Aw, so cute!" Roman claps his hands. "Anyways, I ordered pizza and it should be here any moment!"

"Food. Finally," I mumble, "Let's go watch a movie to celebrate this couple."

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