Is Lying All That Bad? PT. 3

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Roman: *sighs* Well...All's well that ends well, I suppose.

Thomas: That did not end well.

R: Could you like not? Like... rub it in? Because sure, I'll admit it: It did not end well!

Logan: I thought it went well.

Virgil: You did?

L: Well, I really don't know. Every theatrical performance is the same to me. Whether it's "The Lion King" or "The Wiz", You can consider me one of Les Mis.

R: Gah, you were attacking theatre but that was a strong couplet.

L: Thank you.

R: I have to know, was that trochaic octameter?

L: Iambic pentameter.

R: Classic.

P: Come on guys, let's not give up now! Thomas--you don't want to make Joan mad at you, do you?

Y: *open your mouth*

*Patton realizes you're about to say something about Deceit and he flicks his wrist to shut you up*

Y: *pouts*

P: *chuckles cause your pouty face is adorable*

T: No, I don't. But...I feel like I would be mad. Or...disappointed. In myself. If I were to lie to them about this.

P: You won't if it's done correctly! Right, Roman?

R: I don't know, I...I think Thomas is right. When people go to see a show, they know that it's just a show!

L: Yes! Whenever a person purchases a ticket to a show, there's an unspoken agreement between that person and the showrunners that what they're seeing isn't actually happening before them. For example, Ian McKellen didn't actually die at the end of "MacBeth".

R: Thank goodness! Oh, my goodness, that man...he shall not pass.

L: Are you alright (Y/n)? You normally would've made a sarcastic comment about this...

P: *undoes the shut up thingy*

Y: Oh yeah I'm fine..

L: Okay..

P: *Shuts you up again* Virgil, buddy, uh I know you weren't too keen on it at first, but come on! Could you stand to lose the support of one of Thomas' friends?

V: Well yeah, Thomas' friends make me feel more at ease...But Thomas lying would make me just as uneasy. And anyone who doesn't understand that should just shut up!

T: Whoa now.

P: Virgil! It's me! Aren't we friends?

V: I'm not so sure we are.

P: Thomas! I know this sounds backwards, but sometimes...lying is good!

R: Mm, but you've said before--

P: I know what I said! It doesn't matter. In this situation, it is the right thing to do...Period.

T: Patton, no.


T: You're wrong on this one, buddy. I think what I need to do is accept the true course of action. If I've made a mistake, it's better for me to own up to it. I'm thankful that you all helped to guide me through these other options, because it helped me to arrive at this conclusion. I need to tell the truth here. And it might...hurt to do that. But...Whatever happens happens.

P: Wow, I'm so proud of you Thomas. You're so mature.

T: Thank... you?

V: I knew something smelled fishy here...

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