Snuggle Bug

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Deceit x Reader


"Your lap is comfortable."

"Is it?"

"Mhm," y/n said sleepily.

"Are you going to take a nap?"

"No...I wanna watch the movie." They curled her legs to her stomach and pressed play on the movie we were watching. I watched as their eyes fluttered close.

"You sure you're not going to fall asleep?"

"Huh?" They said as their eyes opened. "No, it's (favorite movie)! Why would I?"

"Okay.." I murmured.

We continued watching the movie for a few more minutes. Y/n rolled over on my lap and pulled themselves closer to my torso. I looked down at them. They were asleep, laying with their feet to their chest. Their mouth opened slightly and their breaths were consistent. I wanted to wake them because this was their favorite movie, but they were up all night grading papers for seventh graders.

"Y/n, which one of these sashes do you think would look best for Tho-"

"Sh!" I hissed no one was going to wake them up, not on my watch at least.

"Oh! Hi Deceit, y/n's asleep? Isn't this their favorite movie? Why are they asleep?" I watched as he sat down on the couch.

"Yes, now shut up before I do it myself," I threatened. He quieted down and fixated his eyes on the screen.

In the middle of the movie Logan decided to pay a visit. "Deceit, we're about to fil-"

I shushed Logan a bit louder than I did with Roman as the other two joined him. Everyone looked down to where y/n was sleep. They silently nodded and sat down to join the movie, except for Patton who decided we needed popcorn. I felt y/n stir and I was scared they were going to wake up, but they just rolled over to face me and not the screen. I put my hand on their cheek and smiled as they nuzzled into it. "Look at that, the liar as a soft side," Virgil whispered to Princey. If looks could kill, Virgil would be six feet under just from a glace from me.

The movie ended and everyone went back to their rooms and I stayed on the couch, holding onto a sleeping y/n. I debated on waking them as it was about time for dinner, but I felt as though they should continue to sleep. I decided on the latter and played a few games on my phone. I felt them partially leave my lap as they sat up and rubbed their eyes. They looked at me and stretched, still halfway on my lap. "Good morning," they said sleepily. They cuddled into my side and I placed a hand on their shoulder, rubbing circles on it.

"It isn't even five thirty, love. We finished the movie around twenty minutes ago."

They gave me a look. "You didn't wake me to watch my favorite movie?"

"No, you were up all night grading, so I didn't want to bother you. Anyways, we can watch it again later, but for now I'm hungry and I bet you are too, doll." They thought for a moment before nodding. I stood up and they lifted their arms, signaling for me to pick them up. I lifted them and brought them to the kitchen. "Do you want me to cook, or..." I started, waiting to see how they would complete my sentence.

"Chinese takeout?" She suggested.

"Sounds perfect, doll."

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