Logince-A Kingdoms Fall PT. 1

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There's a ton of angst in this one...just to 'for warn you. The beginning is crappy but if you're patient it'll get better. It's also like...super frickin long so it'll be separated into two chapters maybe three

No ones POV

"Please, sir! My husband is sick!"

"No matter how much you ask, you cannot see the king!"


"Don't make me get the guards, you know how Roman gets."

"But sir!"

"Leave! Please, Patton. I don't want to see you get hurt."



"What's going on here?"

"Roman, please let me get something from the garden. Virgil's sick and I need something for a potion curey thingy."

"What do you need?"

"A petal from the kings daisy's. I know I can get others somewhere else, but there's a special spray the gardener uses that isn't anywhere else."

"Very well, the only catch is. I wanna come over."

"Thank you! How can I repay you?"

"There's no nee-"

"Roses! You love them don't you?"

"I do like roses..." he paused for a moment. "Shall we be on our way?"

"Yes! Thank you so much!"

Roman traveled to the gardens, picked a daisy, gave it to Patton, and headed to his cottage.

Romans POV

We traveled to his house but we stopped on the way so he could get some other things for his potions from the market.

Once done, he came back with various seeds and tubes of different colored liquids and goos.

"Lets get going," he tells me with a smile.

As we walk to his house, I notice he's a lot less jumpy and he starts asking weird questions...most along the lines of being king.

"How much do you want to be king?"

"What would you do to become king?"

"Would you kill or kidnap the king to become king yourself?"

I wasn't quite sure what to answer, but being kind sounded amazing.

"I'd love to be king, but killing him is a bit extreme."

"Then you would kidnap him?"

"No, I wouldn't," the truth is, I wanted to say yes so bad.

"Hmm...okay! Lets talk about something else."

We change the subject and soon the cottage comes into view.

Once we arrived, I heard coughing and sniffling from the gardens.

"Virgil? I'm home sweety."

"Hey, Patton," Virgil said, walking into view. "Hey, Roman."

"Hi, Virgil. I bought you some chocolate because I know how much you like it."

"Thanks Ro...how's being the head of the kings guards?"


"I bet you're wondering where Logan is."


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