Cute Things-Preferences

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I'm going to be doing a lot of preferences because I'm working on one story (for this book...) and it's in my notebook and I kid you not, it is at twenty pages.

Other unrelated-to-the-story-news!
1) This book and my Antman X reader just hit one thousand reads last night! I'm like super freaking happy!
2)I have a vampire story that's at 67 reads so if you would be a dear and read that I'll be happy
3)I created a Phan fiction! It's at zero reads so if you read it that would be great!

I won't pressure you guys to read any of the books but it would put a smile on my face to get a few more reads on those :)

On with the chapter!


He picked out these shirts one day because W-alle's your favorite movie to watch together

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He picked out these shirts one day because
W-alle's your favorite movie to watch together


You two were out shopping one day and you two got these hoodies just to be ironic

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You two were out shopping one day and you two got these hoodies just to be ironic


He got you the roses and told you, "These roses will last forever

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He got you the roses and told you, "These roses will last forever. Just like our love."

You then responded with, "Aw..I love you, you cheesy lil' shit." Then y'all kissed because you're that kind of couple...

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