Is Lying All That Bad? PT. 2

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Hey guys! This text is in the same format as last time. You're not going to talk much, but that's only because it's the theater scene. Have fun reading! Enjoy!

Roman as Joan, rapping: Lights up, on Roman disguised as Joan inside your brain. I wake up, and I gotta try to train my guy to lie to Jane!

Thomas: Stop! Wait, Jane?

R: Joan didn't rhyme there. Welcome to the Mind Palace Theater, Thomas! Starring me-- Roman-- for one night
(Joan voice) Joan-ly.

T: Wait, Hugh Jackman is in this?!

Y: And July Andrews?!

R: No, their understudies are going on tonight.

Y: r00d

V: Nice, talking in text.

T: Who's his understudy?


T: Of course.

Y: Why?? DX

L: How are you able to talk in text lingo? I am very confused

Y: *v confused

L: Stoooooppp

Y: Nah bruh I is gud

R: Tonight I bring you a play in four acts!

Y: Wait. What's going on? I wasn't paying attention I was too busy annoying-I mean talking to Logan.

P: They're discussing how the play's are going to work.

Y: Play's? As in plural?

T: Four? That's excessive.

Y: Four?! I don't have that time! I didn't sign up for this!

R: There will be a fifteen-minute intermission...or maybe just like three fifteen-second ads that pop up in the middle of the video? Just go with it. But! Let's not forget all of the people making this possible. Logan! Our stage manager SLASH! Drama turd.

Y: Hehe he called you a turd

L: The correct pronunciation is dramturG. The researcher of the plays and operas being put on. And I thought we were friends (Y/n).

Y: We are...but hehe he called you a turd

L: *grunts*

R: That's why you got the job, buddy. Also! Can't forget our awesome hardworking techie, Virgil! Our utterly delightful go-between for the operation of the lights, the set, the costumes, the props, the actors--

V: So many things!

R: And Patton is our amazing--

P: Director!

R: What? No, I'm the actor, director, AND writer. I'm basically Orson Welles.

P: Aww, (In the style of Roger Rabbit) Please? Right, you know how I love cartoons?

T: Let him be director.

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