Prinxiety-Movie Night

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Many thanks to The_Clever_Author helping with the plot! Go follow her she's one of my BFF's so yeah

And also GradeARecycableTrash because they're super kind and supportive! Go follow them plz!

No One POV

As Roman debated between pastel pink or his usual red converse for a night on the town, a figure appeared in his room.

"Hey, Roman...I need your help," the figure said quietly.

"Jes-you scared me...but that depends. What's up Virgil?"

"I need...uh...relationship advice," he mumbled, barely even whispering.

"What was that?"

"I said: I need relationship advice!" Virgil replied, practically yelling now.

"Oh. Oh! Come here, sit down," Roman said as he sat down and motioned for Virgil to sit next to him. "What's this fella like?"

"Kind of like you...he's a fellow lover of Disney, and he's handsome-"

"So you think I'm handsome?"

"Kind of? I mean..we have the same face. But I didn't say it was you, I just said he was kind of like you. Now let me finish."


"He's also romantic."

"That does sound kind of like me," Roman stated. They were quiet for a moment before Roman started talking once again. "Maybe, invite him over for a Disney Movie Marathon and in the middle of it, cuddle up to him."

"Okay...maybe," Virgil responded, standing up. "I better get going though. Thanks for the advice by the way."

"Your welcome, good luck, by the way.

Walking into his own room, Virgil sat down with a smile.

"Hey kiddo! Want to watch some Disney movies?"

"Sure. Wait. You didn't invite him did you?"

"I didn't..but I did overhear your conversation, so you should invite him!"


"Yeeessss. Now go!"

"Ugh," Virgil grunted, hesitantly walking into Romans room.

"Back so soon? I'm beginning to think you might even like me."

"Huh? Oh-uh...Patton wanted me to ask you to a Disney Movie Marathon..."

"You don't need to ask me twice!" Roman replied, completely forgetting their previous conversation.

They walked into the living room to see Logan sitting crisscrossed with Patton curled up to him and a remote in his hand. They had been dating for a little over two months and everyone thought they were adorable.

Virgil sat on the very end of the couch as Roman sat next to him. Patton chose Mulan to start off the marathon. Snacks of all sorts were set up on the coffee table and Virgil grabbed a Kit-Kat bar. When he sat up, he curled into Romans side and Roman placed an arms around him. They sat like that until the next movie and a half.

In the middle of Cinderella, Virgil started dosing off. Roman noticed and pulled a blanket over him, along with placing a kiss on his forehead. He put his arm back around Roman and Patton looked over and smiled.

They get through a few more movies before they turn of the T.V. Once finished, Roman picked Virgil up, bridal style, and carried him to his own room. Roman places him on the gold and red bed and got onto the bed as well. Still cuddling Virgil, he eventually fell asleep.

Time Skip

At around 10:30 am, Roman woke up with no Virgil next to him.

He reached into a drawer in his nightstand and pulled out a chest. Inside the chest is a pair of black framed glasses (like Patton's and Logan's) and put them on.

No one even knew they existed, except Logan.

Thinking Virgil left in the middle of the night, he went downstairs in his glasses and a pair of sweatpants (He changed before he got into bed btw), not expecting anyone to be there.

"Sweet Jesus," he heard Logan say.

" was so weird. He was cuddling me and I-" Virgil started, he only stopped noticing Romans presence.

"Hey, Hot Topic...What were you saying before I walked in?"

"It's nothing," Virgil stated.

"Falsehood, you were telling me about you're feelings for Roman."

Roman smirked and sat down next to Virgil. "What are those...feelings?" He asked in a slightly flirtatious tone.

"Uh...I-like-you-feelings," Virgil said, looking down, scared of what the outcome may be.

"Huh, I would've never guess. But, I must say, I like you too."

"Really?" Virgil asked, perking up a bit.

"Yes, really. Now, do you wanna go on a date?"

"If I won't ruin your reputation, then yes."

"Then it's settled. Tonight, 7 o'clock, we'll go on a date."


This next chapter may take a while to produce so please don't get mad if I don't update tonight.

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