Talyn x Reader

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Talyn and the reader are considered the shorties and hang out a lot because they don't make fun of each others heights. They spend so much time together, they eventually fall in love.

This is for @virgils_cutie so I hope you like it :) This was only supposed to take two days and that was a WHILE ago, so I'm sorry about that. Also it's really short, so I also apologize for that.

Also I have no idea how tall Talyn is so I'm just going to say 5' 4"


"So you're how tall, or short I should say, are you two?" Roman asked crossing his arms, slightly hovering over me and Talyn.

"Well...I'm five foot two, and Talyn is...." I trailed off waiting for them to complete the sentence.

"I'm five four," they said matching Roman's pose, trying to act tough.

"So you are extremely short. It figures that the shorties would pair up. How often do you stand on chairs to reach things from the top of the shelf?"

"My roommate is six tw-"

"Roman, go prick on someone your own size. They can only store so much anger in their tiny munchkin bodies," Virgil said.

"I will physically hurt all of you," I retaliated.

"Only if you can reach us."

"Talyn, some back up would be nice. Please?"

"I'm not getting into a fight with sometime who could step on me, y/n. I have plans tonight."

"So I guess I'm on my own. Fine. You two win this time."



"Yo, y/n you wanna go get ice cream?"

"Totally, I'm always a sucker for ice cream."

"Can we tag along?" Roman asked and Virgil smirked.

"No, shorties only," Talyn said smugly as I giggled. I watched as the two boys smirks turned into frowns as they sadly walked away. I high-fived Talyn, then we left.


"So, the shorties unite at last."

"Finally, no tall people to bully us about our heights. Freedom. At last." Talyn stretched, a smile setting on her face. I've always noticed how amazing they are, but I've never fully appreciated it. Their hair is so soft looking almost like cotton candy. Their eyes dark almost like obsidian but a few shades lighter. They're gorgeous. But they aren't mine. I doubt they ever will be interested in me, but I can dream...right? "Hey, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah don't worry about me, just day dreaming."

"About what?"

"How fun it would be to go on a road trip and just...drive."

"How about we finish this ice cream up, and do that? I wouldn't mind."

"Really? That sounds awesome. Let's go."


"That was so much fun! Oh my god, we should totally do this again sometime."

"Totally! Being short is awesome if it means spending time with another short person."


After that, hanging out with them was the best way I could spend my time. I slowly fell harder and harder each day. It seemed like a dream half of the time.

"Hey y/n!" I heard them call.

"Hey," I said with a smile. "What's up?"

"I...uh...I had a question."

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if...you wanted to go on a date with me?"

I couldn't have heard them right. "What?"

"I'm so sorry, I knew I shouldn't have aske-"

"Talyn, I like you too. I'm sorry, I just thought I misheard you. So yes, I would love to go on a date with you."

The day ended with a smile and telling the giants that we are the actual winners.


I couldn't actually figure out what to fully write this as, so it's extremely short, but it's all I've got in me right now.


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