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Thomas- Usually watching TV you will sit on his lap and fall asleep. Most likely leading to this position.

 Most likely leading to this position

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Logan-Something to keep you secure. Simple, but loving.

Deceit-Even if it looks like he's choking you, he's just protecting you

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Deceit-Even if it looks like he's choking you, he's just protecting you. You love holding onto his arms.

 You love holding onto his arms

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Patton-Just nice and adorable. Patton normally falls asleep before you and you like to hold him. Keeping him safe.

Roman-He has to stay close to you, but not clingy close

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Roman-He has to stay close to you, but not clingy close. He falls asleep after you normally so he loves to kiss your cheek. He holds you tightly to protect you from anyone else.

Joan-You normally need naps so they'll let you sit on their lap

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Joan-You normally need naps so they'll let you sit on their lap. You like cuddling into their neck because it's warm. They like to give you their jacket when your cold. They also stay up late.

Talyn-Normally Talyn will cling to your waist because they love hugs from you

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Talyn-Normally Talyn will cling to your waist because they love hugs from you.

(Tbh almost forgot Virgil and now I'm sad) Virgil- He likes to stay up late and so do you

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(Tbh almost forgot Virgil and now I'm sad) Virgil- He likes to stay up late and so do you. You two always look at Tumblr together and give random check kisses throughout the night.

 You two always look at Tumblr together and give random check kisses throughout the night

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These are so adorable so I decided to do one...I'm sorry I've been a bit inactive...I need to finish these three stories...I'm going to work on the DeceitXReader tomorrow, Moxiety Thursday, and Prinxiety Friday...maybe...schedules and me don't get along...ALSO this got to 100 reads! Woo hoo! Thanks you people :)

Take it easy guys, gals, and non binary pals!

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