Chapter 5

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 I walk into potions and spot Harry, who stands in the middle of a line and waves me over. "What are we doing?" I ask.

 "I don't know yet." Harry shrugs and looks behind me "Heads up, Pansy and Blaise are walking over."

 "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I hear Pansy snicker. I turn around as she continues "Tom's lover and his abuser, talking and being all cute."

 "Tom is a pig." Harry snarls "I would never have sex with him." he's tense and coiled, like a cobra ready to strike.

 Slughorn walks over and whispers "This conversation should stop or go outside." he whispers in a voice, lower than needed.

 I look at Harry and we start the walk outside and down a dark hallway. Blaise walks too close for comfort. Nervously, I push him into the wall and he cowards instantly. Fucking snake. "Lock it up and keep your distance, Blaise. You sure as hell know I can fuck you up."

 "Whatever." Pansy scowls "Potter is lying." that stupid face she makes. It used to make me laugh, but damn, I just want to punch her.

 "Am not." he furrows his brow and crosses his arms, leaning on the wall right beside me "He's disgusting and I was busy on the night of the Halloween dance."

 "Yeah, you were busy sucking Tom's dick." Blaise snickers, soon enough, it turns to a smirk.

 "Harry was with my that night." I smirk and Harry throws his glare to me. I shrug "There's no way could be sucking Tom's dick when he was with me."

 "Got proof?" Pansy asks. That stupid smirk spread as wide as her legs usually are. God, I'd like to get rid of that bloody smirk.

 I don't know what to say, so Harry leans closer and whispers "I'm so so sorry for what I'm about to do." before I can process it, his lips are on mine and my arms are around his waist. Running my tounge over his lip, he opens his mouth and I explore his mouth, hungerly. It tastes like strawberries and spearmint and pumpkin and I just can't stay away from his tongue when we fought for dominance, which I won. Now he moans and pulls at my hair, causing me to moan. I run my hands over his back. Then, I feel a click in my head, but I ignore it. He whines when I flip my tounge in his mouth. His glasses are pulled against my nose, but fuck, I don't care. If I could take more of him, I would. I want to be in him. But that'll never happen. So, I'll cherish this moment and I never, never, want this to end. But then I hear Pansy clear her voice. Harry groans and works me back in my mouth. He leans his head back and smirks, whispering "You're hands are on my arse."


 His taste like spearmint, dripped in vanilla and served on a bed of roses, is still on my lips and mind as we enter the classroom. Pansy and Blaise are already pushing their way up to the front of the line. We walk up to Ron and Mione. "What was that about?"

 I sigh "It was nothing." Draco stands very motionless, anger and agony written on his face. He thinks I'm straight. He thinks the kiss was nothing. He thinks I don't like him the way lovers do. He's going to keep thinking that. I'm fucked up and he is fucking perfect. Cute, nice, protective. I'm not fucking up his life. I can't.


 "This is the mate locating potion. It's like it's cousin the lust potion, but it not. This smells like your mate and, I done right, I'll take you to your mate." Slughorn begins "Do we have any Veela's or Vampires or Warewolves in the class? I know of a few in your year, but not their names."

 A Ravenclaw girl raises her hand and she receives a gasp from a few of her friends. She smiles "I'm a vampire." she says in so confidently. She giggles "Don't worry, I'm a half vampire.... so I don't suck blood." she exposes her fangs with a smile.

 A Hufflepuff girl raises her hand "I'm a warewolf." she giggles and receives a few hugs from her friends.

 I glance over at Draco. He doesn't say anything. I'm interrupted by Slughorn "Two of the three." so I guess all of the creatures are in this class. "I know who the Veela is... he won't have a mate until next year... but have you girls found your mate?"

  The girls exchange a glance and walk closer together, smashing their lips together. I look at Draco with a smirk. He nods and, in unison, we call out "Own that shit and fuck the haters!" Ron and Hermione stare at us like idiots and we shrug "What? They should be who they are."

 Hermione smiles, as if realizing something. Then Ron groans "Why are you two talking in unison?"

 I look up at the blonde and he smiles down at me and we both look at Ron "We are?" we say in unison. We both laugh "Okay time to stop. Okay, seriously. Stop. Okay let's just shut up."

 We shut up and look at Ron and Hermione. Hermione smiles and whispers something under her breath. Ron is totally oblivious. Slughorn clears his throat "You girls are dismissed." they run off giggling. "Today we will be making it. The partners will be Neville and Ron. Hermione and Seamus. Draco and Harry. Pansy and Blaise." he continues the list of names and we go to our stations.

 Draco and I goof around and I dare him to eat a vervain root. But, as he picks it up, he winces away. Hermione leans over and whispers "Don't touch that, Draco."

 I pick it up and wince away, too "Why does that hurt?" I huff. I sigh "I know why it hurt you, but why me?"

 Hermione groan and walks over, dumping the vervain root into our cauldron. "I believe I've done enough research." she murmurs to herself.

 When everyone is done Slughorn instructs everyone to tell him what they smell in the potion. Draco goes first. He practically clutches the burning cauldron. He moans at the smell, causing everyones eyes to fall to him from their own cauldron. What could he be smelling? Draco smiles blissfully "Broompolish, strawberries, masculine bodywash, lavender shampoo, sweat, owl feathers, parchment, and quill ink." He sniffs it more and more.

 Eventually Slughorn sighs "Harry, what do you smell?" Draco smells it one last time, before backing away, clutching the table for support, but regardless, his knees buckle and he ends up sitting on the ground. I wonder who his mate is?

 I lean over the pot and instantly realize who I smell. Draco. I grip the table and lick my lips. How would I describe his spectacular smell. I sniff again "Hair gel, dirt, apples, sweat, vanilla, feathers, burlap...." I sniff again "Expensive cologne, mint shampoo and bodywash with spearmint toothpaste."

 He works his way across the room and Draco pulls himself back up and closer to the cauldron. We sit there, breathing in the smell. After Slughorn is done, he walks to the front of the class and instructs us to taste our own potions. A few couples got pulled together, like Ron and Hermione. The rest get pulled out of the room. But Draco and I, we stay where we are. Right next to each other. I sigh "We probably messed it up..."

 "Yeah." he sighs "On your way to Charms?" he asks, sweetly handing me my book and ushering me out of the room. I know I should tell him, but I can't. He's too perfect.


 After everyone leaves, I walk over to Draco's and Harry's potion. I give it a smell, it smells right. I shrug and give it a taste. Before I know it, I'm pulled out of the room, faster than I've ever seen this potion move a person.

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