Chapter 10

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 I slip my lips back on his and push him onto my bed, straddling him. He runs his tounge over my bottom lip and I immediately open up, as his tounge slips into mine, I don't bother fighting for dominance. After a minute, he moves down and nips at my neck. I moan out and he sips his hands around the inside of my boxers, gripping my bum. I flip us, so he's on top of me. He smiles and moves down to my chest, nipping and sucking at one nipple as he flips the other. I can't handle it. I grip his shoulders and pull him up, smacking our lips together and grinding upward on this tented pants. Unbuttoning his pants, he stops "Are you sure about this? We can stop if it's too much?"

 I gasp for air "No. I want this. Please Draco." He smiles and presses his soft lips to miss as he kicks his socks and shoes off. He goes back down to my nipple, only lower. I moan out as his kisses get closer to my boxers. He stands up and pulls off his pants, then my boxers. His face lights up with joy as I stroke myself.

 He bends forward and sucks at my thigh, up to my base, where he gently moves my hand over and smirks up at me with his signature smirk, before he takes me all and I feel the back of his throat. I moans out, so loudly, it hurts my ears and I grip his hair, firmly. He runs his tounge over my slit and I practical scream out in pleasure. He comes back up and runs his tounge around my tip. I moan out as he slides back down and I feel the back of his throat. I tremble against him and whine "Just fuck me already!"

 He smiles "Pathetic, my little prince." he leans forward and kisses me before placing three fingers up to my mouth "Suck." I do. Fuck, I do. He smirks as he pulls them out and spreads my legs. Running his fingers around my entrance, he kisses me "This might sting a little." he pushes a finger and I hiss in pain. He moves it around and looks at me for permission and I nod. He slips another skinny finger in and I hiss at the pain. As he scissors, it gets less painful and more pleasure. Then he adds the third, I gasp as he brushes a certain spot. And, he smiles and hits the spot over and over again. I whimper as he pulls out and I look up at him to see he's sliding his boxers off. I whimper again and crawl up to him. He smiles and exposes himself. I lick his tip and he sighs, leaning his head back. Running my tounge over his slit, he grips my hair. When I sink all the way down, I gag and my eyes water. He lets out a pleasant moan. He groans as he pulls me up and stares me in the eyes "Do you want to ride me or do you want me to be in control?"

 I blush and bat my eyes "Can you..." he smiles softly and kisses me softly, leaning me back. He kisses my forehead.

 "Are you sure?" he asks softly. I nod and he sighs "One hundred percent?" I sigh and grip his wings, causing him to moan.

 I sigh "I'm sure."

 He potions himself against my entrance and kisses my forehead "This might hurt a bit." And he pushes in, slowly.

 I hiss in pain "Fuck!" It hurts so damn bad, but it's also very very good to feel. Once he's all the way in, he stops and looks down at me for permission. I nod my he slowly pulls almost all the way out, then all the way in. He moves very slowly and softly, torturing me futher. My hands snake into his hair as he kisses me passionately. He slowly speeds up. No pain remains, only pleasure. I moan out loudly as he hits the spot and he potions himself, so every thrusts hits there and I continue moaning, but not regularly. I moan out in parseltongue. He snickers and rests his head against my chest, as he holds himself up by his elbows and thrusts into me. He groans with ever thrust and I feel pressure built up in my stomach. I scream out in pleasure "Harder, Draco, Harder!" he doesn't change his pace. Instead the slows down. White ribbons spill from my tip and he spills inside me. He thrusts a few more time before falling on the bed next to me. After a few minutes, he spoons me. I sigh "I'm sorry I didn't write you on your birthday. I didn't he the rights to write you."

 He cascades a wing over me "When did this happen?" he kisses the back of my neck and nuzzles on it.

 I sigh "The night we got home from Hogwarts..." he freezes and I flip myself to face him "That's when I hung myself."

 "And those?" he slides his fingers across my pinkest scars.

 I think for a second before I sigh "The last time was the night before we left Hogwarts." he nods and pulls me closer. I sigh "We have to clean your wings."

 He groans "five more minutes." I sit up and he wraps his arms around my waist "I just wanna cuddle."

 I lean down and kiss him "And we will. After we clean your wings." I stand up and he follows me to the bathroom. He stands behind me as I start the water and take off my glasses. After wetting his wings, I lather up his wings and he moans at my touch. As I scratch at places, he let's out random moans. When I'm almost done washing the large wings, he let's out a gasp and I freeze, before grabbing a few feathers and pulling at them. It's close to his shoulder and on the side touching his shoulder. I smile as he doubling over and lets white ribbons to spill everywhere. I look down and notice I came, too. "Was that the spot?"

 He blushes and nods, gasping for air "That felt amazing." he groans and starts running shampoo through his hair.

 I follow him and we shower quickly. The other Gryffindors will be here in a minute. I walk back into the dorm with a smirk on my face. The bed that none of us ever used, which is right next to mine, has Draco's trunk, bird, Gryffindor clothing, flags, and a stuffed lion. I smile "Your stuff is here."

 He hands me the lion and smiles "Here you go, my little prince."

 I smile and blush, taking it from it "Thanks, Daddy." I buthered it. It feels unnatural. But for Draco, I'd do anything.

 He scuffs and kisses my forehead "Anything to make my prince happy." he sits beside me and sighs "Please, just, don't do that again..."

 "I won't... you'll probably never leave my side, anyway... and I'd never hurt myself in front of you." I look down at the lion and smile "I'm gonna name him, Weasley."

 He scuffs "He looks like a Weasley, doesn't he?" I scuff and nod.

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