Chapter 12

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"Draco! You put too many spider legs in the potion!" I groan as I fish two out. It's been about a month since we first.... mated. He's been clingy and sweet, but damn, we fight a lot.... it's mainly my fault. Like, the other day, I fought him because he gave Hermione a hug. It ended with us having heated sex in a closet... before potions.

 "Sorry, I thought it said eight, not six." He smiles at me and plops a few hemlock roots into.

 We make a potion, maybe you've heard of it? It's the one from Shakespeare's scotish play, Macbeth. Shakespeare almost got it right... almost. We wait for Professor Slughorn to come to our cauldron, before we dump sauls blood into it and it steams. "Beware, for once what happened before, shall come again." I look back at Draco as he grips the table and dread spreads across his face. "One has the power to see, but he can't stop. One is blind, but he will see. Ere the fall of eve."

 Draco falls to the ground and groans in despair. He huffs and tears stream from his eyes, if only I knew what was happening. Professor Slughorn instructs "Don't just stand there, take him to the hospital."

 Ron, Hermione and I pull him out of the room, half dragging the scrawny, muscular Veela. Tears start to blur my vision as he cries out "Please, no, stop! Stop! Stop!" His wings tear out of his clothes as we pull him down a hallway.

 Before we get to the hospital, he retracts his arms from Ron's and my grip. He clutches his fists his chest and cacoones himself in his wings. He sits there and sobs. I go to help him up and he stumbles away. Fear runs through his eyes and he flys backwards through a window, out into the early October air.


 By midnight, Draco still isn't back to Gryffindor. I sigh "I think I'm gonna go look for Draco..." I speak to Ron and Hermione.

 "Calm down, Harry. He's probably just with his mate, somewhere." Ron shrugs, playing with Hermione's hair.

 I shake my head "He's not with his mate, Ron." I sigh and start putting on my shoes "Not if..." I shake my head "Not important."

 "Not if, what, Harry?" Ron asks, standing from Hermione's side and sitting on the table in front of me.

 I sigh and finish tying my shoe "Like I said, Ron. It's not important." he scowls and I stand "Now, I'm going to find him."

 I walk past him and he grabs my arm and I pull it away "I'm going with you, then." He shrugs "I'm not letting a suicidal person walk around Hogwarts, by himself, at midnight."

 I groan "Fine."

 So I set out, Hermione and Ron at my side. "Where would he be?" Hermione asks, in a low whisper.

 I think for a second "Probably the astronomy tower..." that is where he found me, after all. Rape and suicide attempt.

 Ron stops and hold us back. He frowns "Why would he be in the astronomy tower when the astronomy tower is so close to Gryffindor?"

 I bite my lip and "He kinda found me there, last year... during Christmas" They both look at me questionably "I, kinda, almost jumped off of it...."

 "Bloody hell!" Ron yells at me. He huffs and raises his finger at me "And neither of you told us!"

 "So? You didn't tell Mione when you wore her underwear because all of yours were dirty." I raise my eyebrows "And, naturally, you picked a pink silk thong."

 Ron huffs and blushes bright red. "You weren't supposed to tell her that!" he looks down and scratches the back of his neck.

 Hermione smirks "I already knew."

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