Chapter 23

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 The twins pull me out of the floom tube as I scream "Put me down! I have to go back! I need to be with Harry!" I wail as they throw me on the couch and hold me down. I cry softly "Please, just let me go." they grip me tighter and tears slide down my cheeks "I need to be with him." I whisper.

 Hermione walks down the stairs, freshly showered "We aren't letting you go anywhere, Draco." She sits in front of me "Draco, I know what happens when a Veela loses his mate."

 I hiss "Stop chopping it up to me being a bloody Veela!" I huff in anger "It's not about that! It's exactly the same as if you lost Ron!"

 Hermione sighs "No, it's not." she shakes her head "Veela's can't handle to live without their mates." She shrugs "We're keeping you here, so you don't hurt yourself."

 I nod softly "When can I go back home?" I ask, brokenly. The twins and Hermione share a glance. I soon realize "I'm not going home." She nods and the twins release me. I sigh "I'm going to shower."

 I walk into the bathroom and strip off my bloody white shirt, when a know happens on the door. Ron pokes his head in, alongside with Hermione "Do you need help with your wings?" Ron asks.

 I shake my head "Only Harry was allowed to touch." I turn on the water "They'll burn you if you touch them." The twins accidently touched them once. I sigh "Just leave."

 They do and I slip off my pants. I stand in the shower for a long time, wailing against the wall. Every fifteen minutes, Hermione or Ron stick their heads in, to check on me. Why did I no stay home with him? How could I let this happen? I'm supposed to be his protecter! I was supposed to be his protect...

 Anger overwhelmes me and I punch the wall of the shower, over and over again. Cursing "Fucking dumbass bastard! How could you let this happen? You promised him that you would protect him! You failed him! You're should have stayed home! Bloody great you are!" I scream a blood curdling scream of anger and sorrow and slide onto the ground, watching my knuckles bleed. Ron pokes his head in and I hiss "I'm fucking fine, Ron! Leave me the fuck alone!"

 About thirty minutes later, I crawl out of the shower and dress myself. My wings are pink and disturbing to think about. They'll have blood in them until they fall out. However long that may be...

 I storm out of the bath and into Harry's old bedroom. I instantly fling onto the bed and breathe in the smell of dust and seventeen year old Harry. It smells exactly like he does.... did....

 I let hot tears stream onto the pillows as I scream out in anger. He deserved so much better.

 "Draco?" the door opens and Ron and Hermione step in. Ron sighs "You need to eat something."

 I scuff and turn to face them, anger and numbness spits from my lips "Buzz off. I don't need to do shit."

 Hermione stands strong "We're not leaving until you agree to come down and eat something."

 I stand on the bed and hiss "You, of all people, knows what happens when a Veela loses his mate!" I stand on the foot of the bed, on the railing, crossing my arms.

 "Yes, yes I do." Hermione sighs "He turns practically inhuman, insane even." she sighs "His feathers fall out and he goes mad." he looks at my wings "You're feathers are already falling out. Which means, we have to try and keep you sane."

 "How, exactly, are you supposed to do that?" I spit, rather rudely. I jump off the bed frame and land in front of them.

 Hermione sighs "We do the stuff you love to do." She pats my shoulder and I move it away sharply. She sighs "I'm sorry Draco."

 As we're walk down the stairs, my feathers strip, one after the next. When I get downstairs, I find the twins, Arthur, Molly and Ginny, sitting on the couch. Moll sits mean at the table and puts a full plate in front of me. I shake my head "I'm not hungry."

 Everyones hopeful faces, go worried. Ginny sits in front of me "You have to eat something, Draco." I shake my head and she sighs "For us, please."

 I shake my head "I'm sorry, I can't." After what I've seen, I can't eat anything. How could I? I just can't.

 Ginny sighs and looks me in the eyes "Then do it for Harry." my heart aches at the mention of his name "He would want you to be healthy."

 I nod and pick up the sandwich in front of me. My stomach is physically repulsed. But I bite into it. Only for Harry. About five minutes later, I've eaten about three bites and everyone stares at me nervously. As I take a fourth, my stomach turns and I sprint to the open door. I vomit in the floating fig fern, beside the door. Hermione is by my side in second. I stand up straight and turn the them, tears streaming down my face "I should have protected him!" I scream in agony "I should have stayed home and took care of him!" I rip and pull at my hair, frantically "I promised him I would protect him!" I pace around and end up squating on the ground.

 Ron whispers to Hermione "Has he gone mad?"

 I stare at him and laugh hysterically "Is this me going mad? No! It's the guilt that comes with death, dumb bastard!" I hiss "I would do anything for him to be alive right now! If Tom would have just killed me in the first place, Harry would be fine!" I stand up and anger overwhelmes me. My wings start burning and flames quickly tale the place of my wings.

 Hermione leans over to Ron and whispers "Now he's gone mad."

 I laugh hysterically "It's my fucking fault he's gone! I would do anything, anything to bring him back! I can't do this without him!" My wings pull me off the ground and I instantly know why.

 Hermione pleads "Draco don't do this!" but I keep floating up. She turns to the ground "Who's the best shot?"

 "Harry was..." Ron says softly. Their conversation gets quieter as I fly upward and upward.

 I continue flying upward for an hour, to numb to feel anything. Until, finally, the oxygen in the atmosphere gets to thin to keep the fire going and my wings stop burning. And I drop.

 I think of his smile. His beautiful smile that lit up my heart. A smile spreads across my face as the fall reminds me of flying. I think of his eyes. Big and green. I float, weightlessly. A think of his hair. Head grew its out last year and I always braided it, alone with his beard. My body goes numb from everything. I think of his voice. So beautiful and heavy and, seconds later, I swear I can hear him say "Welcome home." as I stop falling and hit something hard, followed by a females scream.

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