Chapter 24

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 "Draco, baby, it's time to wake up." a females voice wakes me. Mum. I move stiffly, remembering the events of last night. Lucius used his walking stick on my back, because I didn't fold my Hogwarts clothes right.

 I groan in pain "Mum, I had the craziest dream. It was of me, finding my mate and my mate died and I ended up killing myself."

 My mum helps me sit and kisses my forehead "Then you'll just have to stop him dying, sweetheart."

 "But mum..." I stare at her "I was separated into Slytherin, then resorted into Gryffindor!" I shake my head "It had to have been a dream!"

 She smiles and helps me put on a shirt "Draco, you must change the future, at any costs."


 As I get to the floom tube, I summon Dobby. I smile and hand him a sock "And Dobby, don't marry the Mogway." he nods and flashes out of the manor. I turn to Lucius, who is rather shocked and flip him off "I'm a Gryffindor, you dumb bastard!" and with that, I travel to 9 3/4.

 I immediately run through the train with my trunk. Crab and Goyle try to talk to me, but I run past them. I halt right in front of the compartment that I first got rejected by Harry in. Ron sits in front of him. I knock on the door and wave, politely. Ron looks at me in worry, before I open the door "I'm sorry, but all the other compartments are full. Can I sit with you two?"

 Harry shrugs and I sit beside him "We meet before. At the seamstress. Do you remember?" he asks.

 I nod "Yes, yes I do." I clear my throat and smile, weakly "I was being an arse. I'm going to be in Gryffindor, not Slytherin."

 Harry smiles "How do you know that?" Ron moves rather uncomfortablely in his seat. Probably realizing who I am.

 I smile and scratch my, not gelled hair. "I'm a dream seer." I clear my throat "I see things before they happen and I can read minds. Ron, I'm longer a Malfoy, so please, don't give me that look."

 Ron sighs "What's that supposed to mean, Malfoy?"

 I chuckle "Call me Draco, please." he looks at me, as if for information. I sigh "I expect a letter from Lucius tomorrow, telling me I'm no longer a Malfoy Manor resident."

 Harry looks at me, wide eyed "You're father would actually kick you out of your house?" he looks shocked.

 I shrug "Most purebloods have a stick up their arse over stupid stuff like Hogwarts houses and arranged marriages." I lay very lazily on the seat "Me. I don't give two craps about where someone comes from or who they love, because, in the end, we all end up in the same six by six by two hole."

 "Damn..." Harry frowns "That's kinda deep."

 I wink "You know it." he blushes and looks away. I sigh "But, yeah, I don't judge... I have no room to judge."

 Ron looks me up and down "And why is that?" He asks, suspiciously.

 "I'm a Veela." I shrug "It's a man with wings, gets them on his seventeenth birthday." I smile "Also, I enjoy the company of men, rather than of females."

 Ron looks at me confused "What's that mean?"

 "What's what mean?" Hermione pokes her head in, quickly gasping when she sees Ron. She blushes and looks down.

 "Draco said that he enjoys the company of men, rather than females." Harry sighs "It means that he prefers guys, not girls."

 "Ohhhhhhh." Ron smiles "So you're gay?" I nod and yawn "So...." he says, awkwardly "What are all Veela's gay?"

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