Chapter 22

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 "Harry, baby, are we out of coffee?" I scream through the small house. It's been about eleven years since we graduated Hogwarts. Actually, Ron and Hermione's kid left for Hogwarts just least week.

 He walks in, half dead "No, I moved it." He walks over to the pantry and pulls out a bag. He sniffles "I don't feel good."

 I smile and his his forehead "Do you want me to skip work and stay with you?" Harry and I own a shop in Diagon Alley, that also is connected to Knockturn Alley.

 He shakes his head "No, go read some fortunes, I'll be fine Draco, really." he wraps his arms around me and yawns "I'm just going to go back to bed." and with that, he drags himself back to bed.

 My heart drops, instantly. It does that every time Harry is sick. I just grab my coffee and head to the floom tube.

 Our shop is rather tiny. It's an antique shop, but most of our business is from muggles and their muggle-born children who want to relive a memory. Most purebloods snicker at us, because they believe we're corrupted. Most wizard-borns come to buy some antiques, but end up asking how we broke the curses.

 I sky behind the counter and read the daily profet. Nothing dramatic has happened in since the last tri-wizard tournament. One kid killed the other two. After that, they cancelled it, forever. Now you get boring headliners, like: Olivander turns however old.

 About six hours later, Remus strolls into the shop. I sigh and continue sweeping "Hi, Remus."

 He gives me a grim look and sighs "How are you, Draco?" he looks rather shaken up "Is Harry here?"

 I shake my head "He's not feeling well. He's at home." I sigh "As far as me, my heart hurts like a son of a whore."

 Remus gulps "You have to get to Harry, now." he huffs "I'm on my way to Hogwarts to be with Severus." they've been married for nine years.

 I put the broom aside and give him a questionable look "What's happening, Remus?" My throat dries up at the terror in his eyes.

 He moves to the door "Azkaban noticed it this morning." he shakes his head, wordless for a second "Tom escaped, sometimes after dinner last night."

 He runs from the store as I throwing powder down at my feet, in the floom tube. I'm in my house. It's as I left it this morning. "Harry?" I scream. Getting no response, I walk through our two bedroom house. Not in the kitchen. Nor the living room. Nor the dining room. Nor the bathroom. My heart breaks as I stop at our, closed, bedroom door. My wings fly out. We never shut any of the doors. I open it to find nothing, but then I notice it. The pale hand with a silver ring lays limply, behind the other side of the bed. I unconsciously move closer. The mess of black hair lays on the white carpet. Closer. He's naked. Closer. He's laying in a puddle of red. I scream out as the shock subsides. I stubble towards his and pull him into my lap "No, baby, please." I plead as I examine him. He doesn't wear his glasses. He's had his penis chopped off. He has a bullet hole in between his eyes. And his eyes. They're gone. "Please." I plead "Come back. Please baby please."

 "I told you I would kill him if your told." I jolt around to see Tom, standing in the doorway. He holds a gun, pointing I at me. "I'm going to do the same to you now." I fiddle for my wand "I cut of him dick before I raped him." Tom moves closer "Then I cut out his eyes and raped him again." he walks closer "And then I killed him, before shoving myself into his corpse." here rests the gun on my temple.

 I huff "Avada Kadavra." he falls back and his gun flies under the bed. I sit there, in agony, clutching Harry's mutilated corpse. I scream out in agony for hours. Until I just go numb and stare at his lifeless body.

 "Draco?" a females voice says from the doorway. It's Hermione. I know it is "Draco, are you alive?"

 I sniffle loudly and speak brokenly "Don't come in here, Mione. You'll never stop seeing this." I stand up and my legs buckle. I grip the bed for support, before ripping the sheets off and laying it over Harry's body.

 She looked at me questionably "Draco, where's Harry?" she clutches onto the doorframe as she looks my bloody clothes up and down.

 I cackle rather madly "Harry?" she nods, scared to be around me. But I don't care. I don't care! My wings are drinched in blood. I don't care! My heart is shattered and so is my mind! I'm the madman now! "He's dead!" I scream in her face "He's dead, Hermione!"

 Ron rounds the corner of the hallway "Draco, calm down. Tell us what happened." he rubs Hermione's back.

 I shake violently, suddenly realizing the weight of the situation. They think I murdered him. They think I killed Harry! I try to push past them, but Ron grips my shoulders and pushes me into the wall. Hermione starts walking to the other side of the bed "Hermione, don't!" I plead "Don't look under the blanket!"

 She looks at me questionably, stopping as she sees Tom "Ron, let him go." He does and joins her at the other side of the bed. Ron gives her a look, before lifting the blanket. Hermione lets out a blood curdling scream and I walk up to them. "He's dead!" she cries.

 I look at Harry, who lays there, exposed. I shake my head. It isn't Harry. Harry couldn't be died. No, Harry is alive. Here has to be. "Shhhhh" I insist. I bend down and cover him back up "He's sleeping. He's only sleep" I insist. Ron holds Hermione close "He's fine. He'll wake up in a few hours."

 I sit next to Harry's corpse for a few more hours, stroking his hair in disbelief. Harry will wake up soon. He has to. The twins walk in somberly "Draco, we have to take you to the burrow, now." George says softly.

 I shrug "I can't leave Harry. He'll wake up any minute." They share a glance, before picking me up as I scream "No! He's sleeping! He'll be fine! He's fine! Put me down!"

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