Chapter 6

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 I stand in front of the railing of the astronomy tower. I've been here a little while. About a month after Tom.... attack me, I found a way that helps me feel better. Nobody knows about it. I hide it really well. As long as nobody sees me without my shirt or pants, I'll be fine.

 The cold snow floats down into the courtyard in front of me. It reminds me of Draco. I've fallen for him. I've completely fallen for him. But he's still perfect. He's so perfect and I'm so not. He would never want me. I feel hot tears stream down my cold cheeks. How did I get here?


 "Guys, go to train, I'll be there in a minute." I lie to my friends. Draco left yesterday, because his father wanted him home.

 Hermione sighs "Just don't be late. The train won't wait for you." she grabs her bag and smiles "We won't you home for Christmas."

 I smile "I won't be late." they all start to climb in a carriage. As they disappear, I cast my belonging back into my trunk and carry it back to Gryffindor.

 After a small nap, I awaken with a scream. Truth be told, I haven't slept well ever since that night. Now it's Christmas break and I'm all alone, as planned.


 I'm pulled back into thought by the cold wind pushes me back. I want this. Nobody needs me. Ron doesn't need me. He has Hermione. Hermione doesn't need me. She has Ron. Ginny can go suck Dean's dick. (A/N: I kinda don't like Ginny.... sorry/not sorry) Draco...... there's no way I'm his mate. They'll be fine without me. The Weasley's wouldn't care. That's one less mouth to feed. Considering I moved in with them the beginning of my second year. The Dursley's haven't heard from me since then. Tom will only talk about me more, but why would I care. After he got out, he threatened to do it again, worse.

 I lean forward. The only support I have is the handrail which I grip onto. Feeling no fear or emotion, I'm about to drop. I close my eyes and loosen my gri- a scream shack me out of thought. I look down at a clocked figure, in the middle of the courtyard.


 I walk out of the forbidden forest. I was talking to Hagrid and Buckbeak. Buckbeak took me on a fly, this morning. I look up at the snow with a smile, as I reach the courtyard. But my heart drops as I see a messy head of black. I sink to ground and scream out in agony. Harry is hang out the astronomy tower railing. I scream out at him "Please just stay there! Please!"

 And I run. I run faster than I've ever ran. My legs get tired and buckle and I force myself to keep going.

 He's my friend. My best friend. And I love him. He's my way out of the Malfoy name. I love him more than I can explain. I can't loose him. He's my everything.

 My back aches like it never has. I run faster than my legs can recognize. Until I feel the stone steps of the tower. I stalk up to the railing. He's still there. Thank Merlin. He doesn't see me, so I walk close behind him and yank him back over to railing. Instantly, I pull him into a hug and tremble against him. He hugs back and I feel him tremble against me, as well. Hot tears stream down my face and my heartbeats faster than ever. When the adrenaline subsides, I whisper "You weren't supposed to be here."

 He cries out "You weren't supposed to be here either."

 "Good thing I was." I whisper. I hold him closer and realize that I'm on top of him. We lay on the ground and I'm on top of him. I don't care if he doesn't "Why?"

 "I...." he sobs "I don't want to be here anymore." he cries against my chest and trembles violently.

 "When was the last time you took your meds?" I ask, rubbing circles in his back and humming to calm him.

 "About a month ago...." he cries with a high pitched whine. I pick him up by his thighs and he whines "What are you doing?"

 I sigh "Taken you to Gryffindor." I say as he wraps his legs around me "I'm not letting you out of my sight for a long time."


 "Draco?" he asks "Do you know who else is here?" he's in a shower and I'm just outside. We're going to Hogsmeade. He's been bothering me about it since I made him take his meds.

 "A few Ravenclaws have already moved into the library." I sigh " and a few Hufflepuffs are helping Professor Sprout tint a greenhouse so she can plant her nightshade."

 He gets out of the shower, dressed in black joggers and a black hoodie. I dry his hair and he puts on some trainers and his glasses. "Ready?"

 I sit on his bed and look at him. He looks like the same old Harry. And I just can't help but think, when did he start having these thoughts.  I grip his hoodie and pull him into a hug. Wrapping my arms around his waist, he does the same. He stands in between my legs "I'm sorry Draco." he whispers.

 I breathe in his smell. I've known he's my mate. How could I not know? I love him with ever inch of my being. I pull away and look into his emerald eyes "I'm not leaving your side until I know you won't hurt yourself."

 He looks away "I would never hurt myself with you around." I won't understand that statement, until I've seen it.

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