Chapter 21

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 I drop my hand and sigh, look at everyone I just read "Goddamn children!" I hiss "Every last one of you held onto the bullshit from your childhood!" I stare at them "Mum! Belletrix doesn't control you, anymore! Bitch in prison! Stop acting like you don't miss them! And you two!" I turn to Sirius and Tonks "Belletrix was the awful one! Not Narcissa! So suck that shit up, real quick!"

 I sigh and unfreeze everyone, before continuing with Snape "So some dumb kids pick on you in school? You don't have to be so fucking bitter! I love you, I really do! But fuck, Severus!" I point a Remus "He fucking stood up for you!" I drop my hand.

 I sling around to Remus "And he helped you!" I huff "When you needed it most, he helped you! If it wasn't for Severus, you'd probably have bit Sirius's and James's face off!" he looks down and I sigh "And as far as the other thing goes, It's not wrong!" he looks up in worry and I hiss "It's not special! It's not wrong! It's just love!" I sigh and grab his shoulder, softening my tone "In us creatures, we get one mate. And it lasts a lifetime. But you have to act on it, or it will kill you." I shrug "It'll kill you seeing someone else snatch your mate up. It'll hurt every goddamned time you think about them." I sigh "I'd say to grab the hair and show them that you want them."

 Lupin sighs "Your right, Draco." I smirk as he straightens up and pushes past me. He smashes his lips onto Snape and I smile at Harry. He nods and we howl in unison, quickly joined by the twins.

 "Mummy?" Teddy looks up from his toys "What's daddy doing?" he looks at Snape and Lupin in curiosity.

 Tonks scuffs "I'll tell you when you're older." she seems alright, I guess.


 Snape straightens me time and smiles "Come on, then. Let's go get you married." I smile and he leads me to a tent, outside the burrow. I step in and earn a couple of catcalls from table two. Hermione and Luna. I scuff and sit in my seat. There's three large circular tables. And one small rectangular table, which has two spots. I sit on the right. On the far right, is table one, which holds: Sirius, if he was sitting down, Tonks, Teddy, Remus, Snape, who just took his seat, Narcissa, Molly and Arthur, in that order. Table two is on the far right. It holds: Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Dean and Ginny, in that order. Table three is in the middle, and pushed back some. It holds: Flerie, Bill, Luna's father, Dobby, Hagrid and Charlie, in that order. The tables are dark brown, with silver plates, goblets and silverware. I look down at my suit. All black with a white tie... will Harry like it?

 I tap on the table for a while, until the tent opens and I look to see him. His all white suit with a black tie. It fits him fantastically. His, way to over grown scruff looks like a full beard and the white complements his dark hair and beard. My wings spring out of my back as I stare at him. I'm on my feet a few moments later to pull out the left chair for him. He smiles, brightly and kisses my cheek, before sitting down. I sit back down and reach over to grip his hand. He smiles and takes it, as the food appears. "So, I was thinking..." he takes a sip of water "We could get a flat in Hogsmeade or in Diagon Alley."

 I swallow a piece of food "I was thinking we could get a house." I smile at him, weakly "In a muggle town." I sigh "More privacy than what you'd have in a flat. And muggles are easier to get along with."

 Harry looks at me questionably "What do you mean by that?" he bites into a carrot piece as I take a sip of the smoothest wine I've ever tasted.

 I sigh "Nothing, just, Malfoy's have a certain..." I think for a second "Reputation for being dicks." I shrug "I just feel that, if we go somewhere where nobody knows the name Malfoy, our neighbors won't completely hate us."

 He smiles "You'll be a Potter. Not a Malfoy." he sighs "Although, the hair gives you away." he scuffs "But, I think a house will be fantastic." he smiles.

 I smile and continue eating my food. Until he picks the skin off my chicken. I smile and pick the chicken skin up with my fork "Open." I demand and feed him the skin, wiping his lip "Good boy." I smile.

 He scrums slightly in his seat and he sighs "Don't treat me like a little when we're with family."

 I scuff "You realize that you stroke Daddy's dick in front of everyone, right?" he scrums even more and I smirk "Little Prince, straight up, right now, understand?"

 He gives me a glare as he straightens up "Draco, you're doing it on purpose, now. Bloody stop." he grawls lowly.

 I smirk and kiss his forehead before turning back to my food. As I sip on my wine, I feel pleasure rips through me as Harry grips my wing. I spit my drink back into my goblet and stare at him "Release. Now." He sighs and releases the delicate wing. "Thank you."

 The twins screech "Do the vows! Do the vows!" I blush at Harry and the twins smile "Harry, go first!" We signed the marriage papers, yesterday. This isn't necessary, but the Weasley's wanted one. I kinda want it too....

 Harry stands and stares down at me "When I first met Draco, I thought he was a dick." A few scuffs "After knowing you for a while, I mean really knowing you, I realized, I was right." A few more scuffs "Nah, I'm just joking. Draco is not the dick we knew in our first year. He's sweet and caring and damn brave. I remember the first time he was being nice to me. I was running around the halls of Hogwarts, because I had just broken up with my boyfriend of about a year and I didn't want to talk to anyone." He clears his throat "Then he turned a corner and stopped me. He asked me out, to a Halloween dance. And, I think that was the first time he ever smiled at me." he sighs "That night, somethings terrible happened, but I'm glad for it." he shrugs "If it wasn't for that night, I wouldn't have snogged him for the first time. I wouldn't have came out to him. I wouldn't have walked down the streets of Hogsmeade in a blizzard, eating ice cream with him. Wouldn't have helped him through the pain of the inheritance, every night. Wouldn't have found out, I was his mate and he was mine." He stares down at me "And I promise to love you, every second of every day. I promise to wash your wings, more than weekly." Hermione giggles "I promise I will never leave your side. And I promise, I will try to make you laugh and smile as much as possible." He shakes his head "Merlin knows, I fell for that damned smile."

 I stand and smile, weakly "Ever since our first year, I liked you. But, of course, I was a dick, truly it was an act." I clear my throat "But that's all over, now." I sigh "You know I'm not to great with long winded emotional speeches, but know that I'm totally, head over heels, in love with you. It's in every fiber in my body to love you." I shrug "And we do fight sometimes. But, I know you'll always come back to me and you know I'm coming back from you." I grab his hand and smile down at it "Nothing could separate me from you. And, damn, I never want to leave your side or not have you in the same bed as me. Or anything that calls for you leaving my side for more than a second." I sigh "I'm not going to talk about the past, because there's no fixing it. I'm not going to talk about the future, because who knows what'll happen." Everyone let's out a chuckle and I continue "You understand what I mean. I'm going to focus on the present. I'm going to focus on living every damn second of our lives. I'm going to focus on loving you and making you feel like a king. Because, Mister Potter, I'm proud to call you my husband." I lean down and kiss his hand.

 He smiles brightly and whispers "I love you, Mister Potter." he stands and kisses me passionately.

 I smile as he pulls back "I love you, too."

 The twins scream "Dance!" oh god, I like dancing, but I don't want to. But, of course, the twins push us out from behind the table.

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