Chapter 11

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 "The boys dorm is up the stairs and to the left and the girl is to the right." Hermione smiles. "Any questions, ask me. I'm your head girl and prefect."

 The kids run up to their dorm, laughing. Ron sighs and slumps on the ground, in front of the couch Harry and I lounge on. Harry lays face down with his feet in my lap. "Did you two hash thing out?"

 Harry sighs "We yelled, we cried, we confessed our sins and now we're completely fucking fine. So stay out of it."

 "Guessing you're still mad at me for calling you mister suicide?" Ron sighs and scratches the back of his neck.

 Harry stares at him and hisses "Nah, shit, Sherlock." he furrows his brow "Figure that out by yourself, or did Watson help you?" He throws his head into a cushion "You're a bloody genius."

 "Ron can I talk to you?" Hermione asks, nervously. He sighs and stands. They walk outside of the portrait.

 By the time they leave, Harry's in my lap. He snuggles up to me and I wrap my arms around him. He purrs and rubs his face against my dark blue shirt. And we sit in silence, until Ron runs in. Harry quickly lays back down as Ron huffs back at Hermione "No, Hermione!" He runs past us and up to the dorm, slamming the door.

 Hermione walks in crying and I jump up "Come here." she does and I wipe the tears from her eyes "He'll come around." I push her hair out of the way and smile "Now, don't stress about it."

 She smiles weakly and wipes a tear out of her eyes. "I-i think I'm going to head to bed." She say, stuffly.

 I smile weakly and kiss her forehead "Goodnight sweetheart." he gives us both a small goodnight and heads up to her dorm.

 Harry looks up at my angerly. Smiling, I plop down beside him and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him into myself lap, but he pushes me away. I scuff and kiss his neck, softly sucking and licking. He groans and pushes me off and I sigh "Little boy, don't be jealous." he pouts and I smile "Don't do that to Daddy." he leans away from me. I pull him down to lay awkwardly and he stares up at me. I smirk and kiss him, passionately. He fights to get closer to me. He whimpers as I pull back. "Are you done being a brat?"

 "Yes, sir." he says as he pulls me down to him.


 "Ummm, can I sleep with my wings out?" I ask, as Seamus, Dean, Neville and Ron change. Harry is already in bed.

 "Wings?" Seamus asks, throwing his shirt off and throwing a new one on "What do you mean wings?"

 I sigh "I'm a Veela... my wings like to do whatever they want at night." I shrug "They'll probably fly out, anyway."

 They all share a silent conversation, before Seamus shrugs "Do what you need to do, man. We don't really judge, so go ahead."

 I grab a wing slotted shirt. I change into the shirt and let my wings grow through the slots in the back. I change into joggers and walk back into the dorm. Everyones eyes lock on the massive platinum wings. I clear my throat and everyone looks away. I climb into bed and everyone turns out their lights. Before I fall asleep I hear Dean whisper "Neville! They're glow!"

 I sigh "It's the moonlight hitting them." I yawn "The light is reflecting off the non-pigmented wings and appear to be glowing."

 "Oh." Is all I get as a reply. I fall asleep within minutes.


 A terrified scream wakes me and I shoot up instantly, knowing my mates cry. I sling myself onto his bed and shake him as a light flashes on. Harry cries out and wraps his arms around my neck and crying into my chest. I sigh "Here, we're okay, it's only a dream. Breathe."

 Ron huffs and rubs his eyes "Bloody hell is happening?" he sits on Harry's bed and I kinda want to push him off.

 I sigh "Harry had a bad dream." I rub Harry's back "You guys go back to bed, I'll take care of him."

 Needless to say, they couldn't get back to sleep, so we stayed up and talked, after Harry calmed down. Seamus smiles "Favorite color?"


 "Favorite creature?" Neville asks "Beside yourself."

 "Buckbeak." I smirk "Love that bloody chicken."

 "Favorite professor, year, place in the school, and place out of school." Dean asks, picking a string from his curtains.

 "Snape or Hagrid, this year, probably the dining hall because I like to eat and the forbidden forest."

 "Who's your mate?" Ron asks, writing something in his journal. He glances up only once, to see my reaction.

 I laugh "I'm not telling." he frowns and continue writing "Nice try though... but not good enough."

 Harry smirks beside me and licks his lips "I know who it is." I look at him, worriedly "She is very... how should I say... vibrant, and, well it's Hermione."

 Ron's eyes flash up and I shake my head "Harry's joking, Ron. Don't worry about it. It's not Hermione, I promise." His eyes go straight back to his journal and continues writing. I look back down at Harry, who smirks mischievous.


 "Draco, what is that?" Harry asks. The talks about the letter I hold.

 "Your father is furious. For your own protection, don't come back to the manor. I love you, Draco, and I always will, no matter what. Love, your mum."

 I sigh "It's nothing." I crumple it into a ball and throw it across the room. I crawl back into bed and throw me face into the pillow.

 I hear him uncrumple the paper and sighs. He sits beside my bed and sighs "Draco... I'm sorry."

 I let a few tears slide down my face and sigh. He continues "I never told you about my parents. They were brave and James was an arse and a half." he scuffs "On my ninth birthday, we were going to the zoo and I hadn't been to the zoo. And our car got hit by a drunk driver named Peter Pettigrew."

 I sigh into the pillow "I've heard the story before." I look at him and he looks up at me "Lucius talks about it often. Uses as an example of muggles." I pat the bed and he crawls up. I spoon him and we quickly fall asleep.


 An owl screech wakes Harry and I. It's follow by Ron screaming "Guys! Mom wrote back! It's a howler!"

 Harry and I, quickly run out of the dorm to find Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Hedwig in the common room. The howler speaks softly "Is it that Draco Malfoy? You three have talked about him non-stop this summer. I'd be happy to take him in. I've also heard of the resorting. From Slytherin to Gryffindor! It's the first resorting, ever!" she seems so pleasant and sweet, until she screeches "GINNY WEASLEY! WHY DO YOU HAVE CONDOMS IN YOUR NIGHTSTAND? YOUR FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" I mental cringe and we leave Ginny to face the letter, alone.

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