Chapter 13 (didn't plan this)

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 I wake up in the middle of the night. My heart burns and I scan the room. Harry. He's not here. The door is wide open. I don't even bother with shoes. I fly to the astronomy tower, the place the potion told me this would happen, and freeze when I see him. He simply sits on the edge of the tower, staring through the railing. I sigh and sit beside him "Harry, we should get back to bed."

 He shrugs "I was dreaming about that night and I woke up here." he sighs "I guess I forgot to lock the door last night."

 I pull out my wand and sigh "Come on, before the bad situation happens."

 "Expelliamas!" My wand flues out of my hand and I turn instantly. Tom walks into the moonlight "This'll be fun." I get in front of Harry. Nobodies gonna hurt him on my watch. "Imperio!" I'm slung against the wall and he smiles "Stay."

 "Cruico!" Harry falls over and screams in pain. In that second I break free of my restrain and sling myself at him. He stops me, midflight with an "Immobalis!" I freeze and he curses me back onto the wall. He walks over to Harry and kicks him in the side "Because of your little boyfriend...." he pulls Harry up by his hair "This'll be much worse than last time."


 "Harry?" tears stream down my face as I stare at him. His nose is broken and his clothes are ripped. His arm is broken and he has bruises, everywhere. "Harry?" I sob "Please wake up." I pick him up and start the walk to the hospital.

 Harry opens his eyes and groans "What are you doing?"

 I sigh "I'm take you to the hospital." I continue walking as I readjust my grip on him to make him more comfortable.

 He shakes his head "Draco, I won't let you take me to the hospital." he look at me with worry and pain and self-loathing. I walk around the corner and up at flight of stairs "Draco, if you take me to the hospital wing, it's over."

 I stop dead in my tracks for a few seconds. No Draco. He needs help. You know that you'll pick his well being over your happiness. I continue walking.

 As we reach the last hallway, I hear a monotonous voice behind me "Draco, what are you doing walking around these dark halls, after curfew?"

 Harry looks back and whimpers. As I turn, the dramatic raven stops, not three feet from us. I sigh "Severus, I'm only trying to take Harry to the hospital."

 I turn the last corner and a nurse takes Harry instantly. Snape pulls me to the other side of the hospital wing. No one else is here, except Madam Pomfrey, her assistant, Severus, Harry and I. Snape sighs "Tell me what happened to Mister Potter."

 "Tom Riddle attacked us." I wipe a tear away, only to find blood on my hand "In the past two school years, he's used all three unforgivable curses. Two tonight, one last Halloween." I subconsciously tremble and Pomfrey starts wiping away the blood from my face. "Last year, Tom raped Harry and performed the killing curse. Only Harry didn't die and I found him in the astronomy tower."

 Snape fixes his stance and speak monotonously "And what happened tonight, Draco?"

 I tremble "Tom attacked us, put me under the Imperius curse and raped Harry twice." I flinch away from Pomfrey touch and apologize "He used the Cruciatus curse on Harry." tears stream down my face.

 "Madam Pomfrey, you might want to check on Mister Potter. I must talk to Draco about something." Snape says, before Pomfrey excuses herself. "Draco, there is something you are not telling me and you better spit it out."

 I look down at the ground and tears blur my vision "It was my fault." I wipe the tears from my eyes and sob out "It was my fault, Severus."

 "It couldn't be your fault, Draco." Snape does something, totally out of his expectation. He breaks his monotone composer "How do you think it's your fault?"

 I shrug and wipe at the tears "I beat the shit outta him after the first time. He even told Harry 'because of your little boyfriend, it's gonna be worse this time'."

 Snape sighs and pulls me into a hug "This isn't your fault, Draco."

 I push him away, softly. I sigh "Harry is gonna need new clothes... all be back." I let my wings drag on the floor as I walk away from Snape.

 "Draco?" I look over at Harry. His arm is in a sling and cast. His nose is fixed. All that remains, is at bruised jaw. I sigh and look down at the ground, walking out of the hospital.


 Snape hisses "What did you do, Draco?" he asks about my bruised and bloody fists. I don't answer. He slaps the back of my head and I stare at him. He's never layed a bad finger on me. "What did you do?"

 I furrow my brow and slap him across the face "Don't you fucking dare, lay a bad hand on me, again."

 He straights up "What did you do?" he looks at me in worry. He's my godfather, but he doesn't know what Lucius did to me.

 I sigh "I went back to the astronomy tower, to retrieve my wand." I hiss in pain as Madam Pomfrey lay an alcohol pad over my knuckles "There's a puddle of blood and I got into a fight with a bloody wall. That's all."

 Madam Pomfrey finishes cleaning me knuckles before she sighs "You two should get to breakfast."

 Harry can walk, but he's limping. He limps beside me, all the way to the dining hall. Only mates help each other. And from what he says, we aren't mates anymore.

 We get there as everyone else does and sit in our normal seats. "Bloody hell happened?" Ron asks, sitting down beside us.

 Harry tenses beside me and gazes off in another direction. Three large wizards stand at the entrance. They march towards Tom and pick him up "Tom Riddle, you have been accused of the use of all three unforgivable curses. You will be taken to the ministry of magic to wait for trail."

 They pull him away as he screams "I'll escape! I'll escape and I'll do it again! I'll kill you! Just wait for it! Fucking freaks!"

 As the gasp and gossip spread across the room, Dumbeldor whispers "You two, follow me." We do, and he stops at the door "I've instructed Arthur Weasley not to share last night with the rest of the Weasley's. You two will be leaving today. The train is waiting and your bags are already on the train. I expect to see you after the break. Im awfully sorry we didn't catch this in time."

 Awfully good an apology does.

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