Chapter 17

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 "It's time to go in." Arthur says, leaning against the wall, next to the door. We've been here for a few minutes.

 As well walk in, I block Harry from Tom's view. But, naturally Tom has to start talking, as we sit "Getting boyfriends like your father, I see, Malfoy." he refers to my bruised jaw. "Wouldn't surprise me. You always were a coward." Anger pings in my chest. A coward is someone who takes advantage of something when they're vulnerable. "You always were a bitch."

 I look at Harry, he's got anger painted on his face. I rub his hand "Baby, don't let him get to you." he gives me a weak smile and nods.

 "You had a tight arse though." he snickers. If he says what I think he's about to say, I swear on Merlin's beard, I'll kill him. "Harry's is tighter, though."

 I jump up so fast, it takes every single member of my group to hold me back. I grawl and scream "Fucking bastard! You call me a bloody coward! Look at your damn self! Taking advantage of a defenseless person! Fucking coward!" my group pull me out of the courtroom roughly as I scream at him.

 Once we're outside, Arthur grabs my collar as I still grawl and breathe heavily "You need to calm down, before your wings come out." he orders "We're bloody lucky that the jury isn't in there yet. It could have cost us the case."

 Harry looks at me, worriedly and I huff "I let him get to me, I know." Harry simply sighs and holds me close "It's an instinct, I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

 "Better not." Arthur insists.

 I nod "Yes, sir. Will they ask me about my divination practices?" I ask, nervously. What if they want to see it?

 Arthur sighs "They will probably want to see your perspective. You'll probably have to show them."

 I look around, everyones expression is nervous and worried. And I look down at Harry. My heart beats rapidly and I can barely breathe. The cold metal on my finger calms me and I sigh and grab his cheeks. I kiss him passionately, before I look up at Arthur "Let's go."

 We walk back into the courtroom and Tom instantly pipes up "You know Harry, your boyfriend was fucking fantastic in bed." I roll my ring on my finger and hold Harry's hand. The jury comes in and sits in their seats "But, I'm more into inflicting pain then being with a fantastic bottom."

 I look over at Harry. He sighs "I didn't know you bottomed in that relationship." I shrug and he smiles "We'll have to try that one day."

 I scuff and he leans against me. I sigh as the Minister walks in and sits his seat "We are here to sentence a Mister Tom Marvolo Riddle. For three accounts of forbidden curses and foully harming another wizard."

 The ministers assistant speak "Other then the victim, we have one eye witness, skilled in divination."

 The minister looks at the list "Draco Malfoy, approach the jury. Please." I stand and walk down a few steps. I stand right in front of the rows and rows of the jurist. I look up at the dozens of dementors above me "Mister Malfoy, are you capable of memory transference?"

 I nod "Yes, sir." I say very politely. Not wanting to bother him any further. I seriously doubt we wants to be here.

 "And memory transference can't be altered, what so ever, correct?" he smiles, softly. He surly wants to get this over with.

 I think back to what Trelawnly told me. Then, I remember "It can, but only to a certain extent. For instance, a blanket in that memory might ruffle slightly different, but there's no big change. A memory can't be removed or created or dramatically altered."

 "Great!" the minister smiles "Show us your eyewitness." he snaps his fingers and a chair appears behind me. So I don't pass out, I suppose.

 I sigh "I'm sorry, sir. But, I'll also need a table and a crystal ball." he snaps his finger and they're there. I sigh "Thank you, sir." I sit and rest my hands on the sides of the ball. I warn "Every last one of you will see, feel, think, hear and smell every last thing I felt in this, understand?"

 "Just get on with it, boy." the minister spits, not so politely.

 I rest my head on the ball, between my hands.

 "Expelliames!" My wand slips from my hand and I slide Harry behind him. Nobody will hurt him. Nobody. "Imperio!" Intense pain spreads through my back as I hit the wall "Stay, Draco." he snickers "Crucio!" Harry falls onto the ground, screaming in pain. I push myself forward and pain splits my head as I dart at him and he screams "Immobilise!" I fly backward and hit my back head. I huff and grawl, as it's the only thing I can do. And I have to sit there and wait, helplessly. As Tom breaks Harry's arm. Everything Harry would fight, Tom would either pull his broken arm or use the crucio curse. He ends it with bashing Harry's onto the ground, breaking his nose and knocking him out. Anger and fear and run through me as Tom walks up to me. He snickers "Don't you cross me again, Malfoy. I'll kill him next time." he spits on my face and skips out of the astronomy tower with a smirk on his face.

 I open my eyes and feel the tears stream down my face. Somehow, my wings stayed in place, but I don't give a shit. I find that the jurist have the expression of fear and anger ingrained into their features. Everyone has tears streaming down their face. I stand, shakily "That happened two weeks ago. I was not present for the brutal attack that happened the Halloween before last, I merely found the aftermath."

 The minister sighs "I don't believe we would need to see that." he looks, apologetically at Harry and I "Just a few questions before we call a verdict." He clears his throat "Jurist make question."

 A small blonde woman stands "What lead you two out of bed that night?" she asks it curiously.

 I scratch my head "Harry has a tendency to sleep walk, so I followed him, to make sure he wouldn't get hurt."

 A ginger haired man stands "Your file says you're a Veela. And by the looks of your tattoo, you've found your mate." he points at my hand, where the tattoo pokes out from under my sleeve "I'm guessing that your mate is Mister Potter." 

 I look at Arthur for advice. He smiles weakly, as if telling me to answer honestly.

 I sigh "Yes, it's true. A Veela's instinct is to protect their mate, over themselves. You can see where this leads. That is the only reason I broke through the Imperous curse."

 He smiles weakly and sits back into his seat, deep in thought.

 A plump women stands "Why do you believe that Tom Riddle did this, in the first place?" She asks, kindly.

 I look back at Tom. He smirks, grimly in his seat. I turn back and sigh "Honestly, who knows what happens in the mind of a mad man?"

 The minister sighs "All for sending Mister Riddle to Azkaban form the remainder of his life!"

 Every last jurier raises their hand and the minister "Tom Riddle will live forever in Azkaban."

 I look at Harry as a large smile spreads across his face. I run up to him and hold him close, laughing. He pulls away as cheers from the twins, Ron and Hermione fill the room. The guards put a muzzle on Tom and drag him out of the courtroom. Every jurist leaves, except one. The cheering stops, before Arthur scuffs "We should get home."

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