Chapter 1- The change

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Kirino:*opens the door and went inside with Shindou* Is it starting?

Myra: You're late. I already started the prologue without the two of you.

Shindou: What??!? You should've waited for us.

Myra: Sorry no can do.


Myra: I almost forgot. Shindou could you do the disclaimers

Shindou: Sure. Myra-chan doesn't own Inazuma Eleven/Go/CS/Galaxy. She only owns the her story.

Myra: Thank you Shindou-kun. Now on with the story.😊😊😊


Kirino's POV: 4 years ago
I was about to go home and do my homework, when I saw two people who are bullying me blocking the way.

          "Hey Girly, why are you leaving so early? We haven't enjoy ourselves yet." A bully said as he dragged me to an abandoned classroom and drop me roughly

          "Yeah, you're trying to escape again, aren't you?" The other bully said

          "N-no" I said nervously while shaking in fear

They laughed and began punching and kicking me. I whimpered and groaned in pain. I tried to call for help but no can hear me. After a while I gave up, I used my arms as much as possible to block the bullies' attack. I became really weak. I couldn't even move that much anymore.

             "I guess there's no way I'll escape this now." I thought sighing in disappointment to myself waiting for them to finish me

But suddenly I heard a girl shout and run towards me.

     "What are guys doing to him?!?" The girl shouted

      "Oh shoot, were caught" A bully said as he stop punching and looked at the girl.

      "Let's get out of here" The other bully said as they escaped.

       "Hey, are you okay?" The girl asked

I looked at her. She has a (h/l)(h/c) hair with (e/c) orbs looking at me worriedly. I was about to reply but I passed out.

~~Timeskip is brought to you by Kirino's The Mist.(Myra: Guys where are you? I can't see anything from this mist blocking my view)~~

I woke up. I looked around and I saw that I'm at the clinic. I checked my body seeing a lot of bandages wrapped around my wounds and bruises. Then I saw a male and a female teacher went inside the clinic looking at me worriedly.

"Are you alright, someone left a note on my table saying you're hurt?" The female teacher asked

"I'm fine.... for now." I replied

"What happened to you? How did you end up getting bruises and wounds around your body?" The male tracher asked

I looked down and explained every single thing that happened earlier. The teachers looked at me worriedly as they listened to the things I'm explaining to them.

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