Chapter 20- Is this a Date Or a Hangout?

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Today is the day. It's my date with Ranmaru! I can't wait . Wait...


I opened up my closet to see options. There's so many to choose from but in the end I just chose something that I thought to be fitting for a date.

~~(Let's just leave it to your imagination on which clothing you prefer)~~

From what we had agree on, he's going to pick me up. Actually never it was actually Takuto's idea.


"Hey since you said you're planning the date Ranmaru, let's meet up at the park. " I suggested

"Yeah sure-"

"Nope. He's picking you up." Takuto said


Takuto was just simply annoyed that we literally don't know the first thing of going on a date.

"You guys are dumb no offense. You two are my friends for a long time now. I think it's time for me to repay you guys. Let me help out. I'll plan everything and you guys just go and have fun." Takuto said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah. Just leave it to me." Takuto happily replied

~~End of Flashback~~

I waited in the living room watching the news about the Holy Road upcoming match. Our next match is up against  Kaiou Academy. The revolution is going well. The seed in our school has come to the good side. A lot of things happened ever since I have transferred to my current school. I was able to meet my bestfriend and my first love. I made new friends and reconcile with my bestfriend. I'm glad... I'm glad to here.

Soon the doorbell rang, I rushed to the door to see Ranmaru. I smiled to see him pick me up. We both head out to our first location, the movies. 

"So what movie are we watching?" I ask

"I think its the new release movie. I forgot the title." He replied

"I see. I guess it's going to be a surprise then." I said


"Kirino-senpai, (F/n)-san!" We both heard someone called our names

We turned around to see our kouhais together even Tsurugi. The four approaches us.

"Oh hey guys! what are you doing here?" I ask

"We're here to watch the new release movie today. How about you guys?" Tenma replied

"We're here to watch the movie as well." I said

"Really?! Let's watch it together!" Aoi suggested

Ranmaru and I looked at each other knowing  what to do. It would be awkward if we decline the suggestion.

"Sure let's watch it together." I said

"Let's go then."Shinsuke said as Aoi and Tenma dragged us to the group

We went inside the cinema. I could tell that Shinsuke and Tenma are most excited to watch the movie. You can tell on how much they talked about it.

"I can't wait!" Shinsuke said

"I know right." Tenma said

"The trailer was actually released three months ago, and this is the second movie. I'm glad that we're finally be able to watch this movie. The first one was intense." Aoi said

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