Chapter 5- The Reunion

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Myra: Here's another chapter!!!

Tsurugi: Glad you were able to finish a chapter.

Kirino: Yeah, you'll be updating a bit slower next time because school is about to start.

Myra: Yeah... and for somehow... I'm so excited about it.

Tsurugi: Probably because you saw that there a lot of changes that happened at your school.

Kirino: And they added more lessons in mathematics.

Myra: Yeah.... maybe you're right.

Shindou and Tenma: Enjoy the story!!
(F/n)'s POV

I arrived at my house a bit late it's around 9:45 pm near my curfew. I looked at my phone that has a few of texts from my mom.

To: (L/n)(F/n)
From: Okaa-san (Mom)

Hey sweetie, I'm just checking if you already arrived in Japan safely. Make sure you go to Raimon jr. High in a few days be safe.

To: (L/n)(F/n)
From: Okaa-san

Hey (f/n), make sure you use your money wisely. I'll be giving you money every month.

To: (L/n)(F/n)
From: Okaa-san

I hope you'll have a good time in Japan.

To: (L/n)(F/n)
From: Okaa-san

I hope you'll see them again😉😉😉

I blushed on my mom's last text and completely ignored it after. I begun unpacking some few stuff before I fell asleep.

-The next day-

I woke up a bit late since it's Saturday. It gave me time to finish unpacking my other stuff.

Shindou's POV

I woke really early today because my mom told me too. I went downstairs and saw my mom waiting for me in the dining room.

"Oh Takuto you're awake, sit down I have news for you." My mom said

"Is it a good news or bad news?" I asked

"Depends on you so... anyways we have a new neighbor and were going to invite our new neighbor for dinner." My mom said

"So... what about it?" I asked

"You're going to our neighbor's house and invite him/her for dinner." She answered

"Wait. You don't know our new neighbor's gender?" I asked

"Well... our new neighbor haven't left the house ever since he/she arrived here." She answered

"Alright. I'll fix myself for a little bit then I'll tell our new neighbor about our invitation." I said as we finished eating.

Kirino's POV

         "Arigatou gozaimasu (Thank you so much) for saving me from bullies again, Kirino-senpai." a litte boy said to me

           "No worries and if you're being bullied again just tell me okay?" I said

              "Hai!" He replied

Shindou's POV

I'm standing infront of my new neighbor's house. I just hope he/she is nice. I knock on the door and I received a question from my new neighbor.

           "Who is it?" The new neighbor asked

            "I'm your new neighbor. I live next door." I said

           "Our new neighbor is a girl." I thought

           "Alright give me a minute." She said

             "Okay." I replied

After a minute, the door opened and revealed a familiar (h/l)(h/c) hair that is flowing with the wind and (e/c) eyes that are glowing in shock. The two us stared at each other for a second as silence surrounded the two us.

(F/n)'s POV

When I opened the door of my front house, I saw a familiar boy with wavy grayish brown hair and brown eyes with a black touch. We were both shock. Silence surrounds us until both of broke the silence.

            "T-takuto/(F-f/n)..." We both said at the same time as silence surrounds us once more until I looked at him in his eyes and spoke again.

            "It really is you. Hisashibori Takuto (long time no see Takuto). I said softly

            "(F/n), since when did you came back? When did you arrived here?" He asked shockingly

"I just arrived last night." I replied

            "Soka (I see) by the way, my mom wants to invite you for tonight." Takuto said

            "Alright, I'll go. What time?" I asked

            "I'll pick you up by 7 and don't even try wearing something so fancy like last time. It's just a casual dinner." Takuto said

            "I'm not I'm not. I won't do it again. So.... see you later." I said as I closed the door.

I arrived in front of the gates of Shindou's mansion (more like a castle). The guard guided me inside the mansion. I told the guard that I can handle myself and he left me. I already knew this place so I went to the living room where the piano is. I sat down on the chair and play.

I've been playing the piano for years ever since I arrived at (C/n). As I ended the song, I heard a small applause from Shindou who is incredibly shock.

           "Since when did..."

           "I started playing when I arrived at (C/n), when we were little I always wanted to play the piano. So I watched some videos on how to play the piano. I answered

             "Oh you're here." A woman said

            "Hello." I greeted

           "Hi, since you're here let's have dinner shall we. Anyways I'm Takuto's mother." The Takuto's mom said

          "Nice to meet you. I'm (L/n) (F/n), Takuto's childhood friend." I replied

"I see so you two already met." Takuto's mom asked

"Hai.(Yes)" I answered

We continued to talk about the things that happened to us as we ate dinner. After dinner, we went to the living room again as Takuto and I played a piece together with Takuto on the left side while I'm on the right side.

After that I decided to go home and have some rest or else, mom's gonna scold me the whole night.

Myra: I love those songs.

Shindou: I agree with you.

Tenma: Myra-san, do you listen to classical music?

Myra: Yeah I do.Espescially Chopin Etude op.10 no.4

Shindou: I haven't heard of that one before.

Myra: Here's a video.

Shindou and Tenma: Sugoi!!!

Tsurugi and Kirino: Hope you like this chapter.

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