Chapter 7- Fever

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Myra: Hey guys. I'm back with a new chapter.

Shindou: So... how are you doing at school lately?

Myra: I'm fine at school but for somehow.... I got involved at our Nutrition month's Essay writing competition. I don't know why me, there are other people who are better at writing essays then me.

Kirino: I see.

Tenma: Also please check out the book announcements and randomness for things I will going to announce...

TakuRan: Enjoy the story.
- 1 week later-
(F/n)'s POV

Today is our match against Teikoku Academy. Luckily I'm on bench in the first half. I need to think of a strategy that can pass through their defense. I can play any position so it's alright with me. For somehow as well, they didn't let me play in the first half even though there are only 10 players playing.

In the end I wasn't able to play because Tsurugi arrived and took the position instead. He also decided that he'll go against fifth sector. I'm glad that everyone at the club are in the same thought now except for Hayami, he seems to have a second thought about going against fifth sector.

We went home. When I went inside my house, I started sneezing continuously. I felt my body feeling weak and shivering from coldness even though it's not that cold. I shrugged off the feeling for now and went to sleep.

The next day I decided to stay at home. I'm not really feeling well. I checked my temperature and I seem to have a high fever. I sent Nakamura-sensei a message saying I'm not going to school today because of my fever.

Kirino's POV

I arrived at school with Shindou. Morning practice was canceled because of the match yesterday. Endou-kantoku told us to rest. Classes started but (F/n) is still not here.

          "Ohayo minna-san (Good morning everyone). Anyways let's check the attendance for today." Nakamura-sensei said as she grabbed the attendance sheet.

"Alright let's start. Anoue-kun?" Nakamura-sensei said

          "Present." And the goes on and on...

          "(L/n)-chan?" Nakamura-sensei called but no response were heard.

          "(L/n)-chan!" Nakamura-sensei called a bit louder only received a text.

She opened her phone and looked at the text. After reading the text she had a worry face.

          "Well... looks like (L/n)-chan is absent. She has a fever today so she can't attend school today." Nakamura-sensei said as she finished the attendance and started classes.

"A fever huh..." Kirino muttered to himself as he looked at the flower in his bag.

Classes ended. I decided to not attend practice for now. Instead I'll check up on how (F/n) is doing. But where does she live?

I looked at the person who would possibly know where she lives, Shindou. I approached Shindou to ask him where she lives.

          "Where (F/n) lives? You know where I live right?" Shindou asked

          "Yeah so..." I trailed off

          "So... she lives next to my house on the left side." Shindou replied

"I see well... I gotta go bye!" I said as I ran away

"But what about team practice!?" Shindou yelled

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