Chapter 2- My first friend

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Myra: Hey guys.

Shindou: ...

Kirino: ...

Myra: No one's talking then let's start the story

(I only own the plot of this story)

(Note: this is the continuation of the flashback)
-The next day-
Kirino's POV
I arrived at my school early again. As I was about to go inside the classroom, I saw the guy that was bullied yesterday going towards me.

          "Uhmm... hey. I never really got a chance to say thank you. If you never found me and those bullies on the hallway yesterday, I might not be here today." He said

" You're welcome uhmm.." I said gesturing him to introduce himself (Myra: was that right??)

"Shindou. Shindou Takuto. Sorry for all the trouble."

          "It's alright Shindou-kun, I don't want other people to be bullied so it's not your fault."


          "Anyways, don't you have any friends?"

          "I used to, my friend transferred to another school. I was told a day ago"

Silence was surrounded between us. We stood there for a few minutes then we decided to go inside the class and sat next to each other.

"What about you? Do you have any friends?" Shindou asked

I looked down. Restraining myself from crying as much as possible. I never really had friends before.

           "I'm guessing that's a no. Sumimasen (I'm sorry)" Shindou said

"It's alright. I'm used to it anyway." I replied

He just nodded as our other classmates came inside the class. After a few minutes the teacher also arrived and classes began.


I was about go home but for somehow I stayed at the gates for a unknown reason. I sighed in disappointment.

          "Guess this is what I get for getting used to being bullied." I muttered to myself as I looked around me and I saw Shindou waving at me while holding a soccer ball.

"Kirino-kun." He called

          "Oh. Hey, what are you doing here with a soccer ball?" I replied

"Well.... I was just wondering, you see I no longer have any friends with me. Can you play soccer with me?" Shindou asked

I was shock in his sudden request. As much as I wanted to accept it, I can't.

           "I-i can't." I muttered as I looked down again

           "Eh? Why not?" He asked

           "I... don't know how to play" I answered

He went towards me and tapped me in the shoulder. I looked at him and he said "It's alright, I can teach you" my eyes widened in surprise (again). I calmed down after a few seconds and give Shindou a slight nod telling him that I accept his offer. Shindou smiled at me and dragged me at the riverbank to play soccer. He taught me the basics first. After a while we took a small break.

            "So... are you having fun playing soccer?" Shindou asked

            "Hai arigatou (Yes thank you) for bringing me here to play soccer with you. I've never been so... happy before." I answered

"You're Welcome Kirino." He

"Hey I was just wondering, why are you so nice to me?" I asked

             "Well... it's just that you're just like my friend who moved to a different school. My friend always defend me against bullies even though she's been bullied as well." Shindou answered

              "What are you implying?" I asked

             "I want to be your friend Kirino." He said

I can't believe it for the first time in my life, someone wants to be my friend. I cried for joy but Shindou noticed that I was crying, he got worried.

               "Are you okay? Did I said something offensive?" He asked while panicking a bit

               "I'm fine. I'm just so happy." I said still crying

He sighed in relief. After our little conversation, I calmed myself again and we continued playing soccer.

We played until it got dark. We walked home together and turns out that our homes are three blocks away from each other.

"Welcome home Ranmaru. How's school?" My mom said

"It was great, I was able to make a friend his name is Shindou Takuto" I answered

"That's great Ranmaru, by the way have you seen her yet? Did you gave the flower to her? She asked

I looked at side of my bag that has a flower in it. I looked at my mom again and shook my head.

"I see, well maybe you'll her tomorrow." She said

I nodded. I went inside eat dinner and prepared myself before I sleep.

Myra: Done! Sorry for the slow update. *bows*

Kirino: You know, you should pay more attention in this story than other things.

Myra: I'll try Kirino. Anyways, where's Shindou?

Kirino: He's just inviting Tsurugi and Tenma to join us here.

Myra: Oh okay... wait what?!?

Tenma: Were here!! *Went towards Myra and Kirino*

Tsurugi:*follows Tenma*

Myra: Shindou why did you invited them here?

Shindou: Well I thought having more people joining us here will be better besides the mor the merrier.

Myra:*sighs* Alright they can stay.


TakuRan: Hope you like this chapter!!

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