Chapter 9- 2 truths and a lie

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Myra: Hey guys! I'm really really really
really really really really-

Tsurugi: *smacks Myra on the head*

Tenma: What she means is that she's sorry for not updating earlier than today.

TakuRan: Enjoy the story!
{(f/f) means favorite food, (l/f/c) means least favorite color and (f/d) means favorite drink}

{Phone messages are italics}
-The next day-
Kirino's POV
I couldn't help but blush everytime I remembered that happened yesterday at her secret garden- no she said our secret garden.

Today is Saturday. I've decided to go to that place again just to explore that place for a bit. I arrived at our secret garden. I saw flowers are arranged based to their own kind like one lane are full of tulips, then chrysanthemums and many more.

          "Kirei....(Pretty)" I said as I looked at field.

I walked along the lane filled with pink roses until I reached the center of the garden the cherry blossoms. I looked at the bench under it to see a certain (h/c) haired reading a green book with silver highlights.

My eyes widened as I walk towards her. When I'm standing infront of her, she noticed my presence and stopped reading as she looked at me with a smile.

          "Hi Kirino." She greeted

"Hi." I replied

"I didn't expect you to come here today." She said

"So did I." I replied as we both chuckled

          "Since your here and all... why won't we explore the whole garden then?" She suggested

          "Wait! You haven't explore the whole garden yet?" I asked

          "Uhmmm.... No, I haven't. I found this place 4 years ago but...... I already left Japan before I can even explore it." She replied

          "I see... well in that case let's go." I replied

We both started walking along the lane of chrysanthemums. Two of us took a photo on each lane. We talked for hours until we decided to eat lunch at newly opened 'Spring Cafe'.

We entered the cafe. The waiter guided us to a table for two. The two of us grabbed a menu and start ordering.

"I'll have (f/f) and (f/d)." She said

"Nice choice, and what about you sir?" The waiter asked

"I'll have tiramisu and the same drink as hers." I said

"Alright then your order will arrive in 20 minutes." The waiter said as he left the table

"So........ how about we play a game while waiting?" I suggested

"Sure, what game?" She asked

(F/n)'s POV
            "2 truths and 1 lie." He answered

            "Alright then I'll start:
1. My favorite color is (l/f/c)
2. I used to study at (S/n)
            3. I love reading books" I said (Myra: Does this confuse you guys?)

           "Hmmmm...... I think 'your favorite color is (l/f/c)' is the lie." He answered I was shock

           "H-how?!" I asked

           "Well... I just kinda based my answer on the things you have. Most of them are (f/c)." He replied

           "I see......" I trailed off

           "Alright my turn:
           1. I used to be bullied.
           2. I was saved by a girl back then.
           3. I've never been jealous about             something." He said

          "Hmmm.... You've never been jealous about something is the lie." I answered

          "That's right but, I was kinda expecting you to answer 'I was saved by a girl back then is the lie' or something like that." He said

          "That's because I already knew about that." I thought as I remembered what Takuto told me

(This happened during the dinner with Shindou and his mom. Ch.5)
            "Takuto!" I called

           "Oh (F/n)! What is it?" He asked

           "I just wanna ask. How are you back then when I left Japan?" I asked

           "Well the bullying got worse after you left but when I met Kirino, he saved me from bullies and because of him the bullies were expelled." He replied

             "What?!? You've been bullied Takuto?! Why didn't you told me anything about it." Takuto's mom said

"Because you were busy from work." He replied

"So you and Kirino already met before." I said

"Yeah- wait you already know him? Have you two met before?" He asked

"Yeah we've already met but he doesn't know anything about me other than my appearance." I answered

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Well... has he ever told you a story about him being bullied back then?" I asked

"Yeah- wait how did you know about that?" He asked

"Well... how should I sat this.... I kinda save him from the bullies back then." I said

"You're the girl that Kirino was talking about?!?" Takuto exclaimed

"Uhmmm.... yeah." I said

"Do you know that he's been looking for you that he's been looking for you for four years now?" He asked

"Of course no- wait what?!?" I exclaimed

       "He wanted to thank you for saving him but you already left before he could even do it. He even brings a flower to school just in case if he ever bump saw 'the person who saved him and changed his life'. He'll be giving a flower that represents gratitude." He said

"H-he'll do all that?" I asked as he nodded in reply

-End of Flashback-

For me he didn't really need to do all of that just to thank me. Besides if he really wants to thank me, he just have to do same thing that I did to other people.

"Here's your, order." The waiter said as he gave us the food we ordered

"Well let's eat." I said

"Okay." He replied as we both start eating

We both decided to go home. We went  on different paths to go home. When I arrived home, I received a message.

To: (L/n)(F/n)
From: Okaa-san

Hey sweetie!! How are you doing there in Japan? Have you seen those two yet?
If you're seeing this please respond.

I blushed a bit and respond at my mom's message.

From: (L/n)(F/n)

Hey mom... I'm doing just fine. Also pls stop asking me if I have seen those two yet. I already did. We're classmates in Raimon Jr. High and they're also a part of the soccer club.

After sending the message. I'd decided to finish the book I'm reading today so I could return it on Monday.
Myra: Hope you like this chapter!!

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