Chapter 18- Plan it out

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Tenma's POV
Practice has begun. Everyone are already here on the field except for Shindou-senpai and (F/n)-senpai. I thought that they were going to get something, so I really didn't mind it.

"Tenma! Could you get the balls near the clubroom?" Coach Endou asked

"Hai!" I replied as I sprinted towards the clubroom

I was able to arrive outside of the clubroom in a short amount of time. I was able to get a couple of soccer balls, but that's when I heard a conversation that I'm not supposed to eavesdrop on.

"Are you sure? Who knows what she might do to you? " Shindou-senpai asked

"I know you're worried Takuto, but this time... It's no longer the two of us fighting against her. I've told Ranmaru about everything pertaining (R/n)'s true colors." (F/n)-senpai replied

"(R/L/n)-senpai's true colors?" I thought as I eavesdrop on them a bit longer

"So you finally did it. I'm glad. That leaves one problem out. Now, how will we caught her on the act? Remember, She's like a snake who could slither her way to anyone and manipulate them from turning their backs against the two of us or more likely you." Shindou-senpai warned her

"What does he mean by that?" I questioned myself

"To be honest... I don't know, but I already have someone on the lookout." She replied as he nodded in reply

"For now, we should make a plan on how to prevent her from manipulating anyone." (F/n)-senpai said

"Yeah you're right." Shindou-senpai replied

As I continue to listen to their conversation, a soccer ball was accidentally dropped that was heard by them. With that they became cautious of their surroundings.

"Who's there?" Shindou-senpai asked as I immediately panicked

"What should I do?! What should I do!? What should I do?! What should I do!? What should I do?! What should I do!?" I thought to myself

I could hear footsteps walking towards my direction. Should I reveal myself or not? Maybe it's better if I did... I'm bound to be caught anyways. I walked in nervously hoping they won't be mad.

"Tenma?!" (F/n)-senpai exclaimed

"How much did you heard?" Shindou-senpai asked

"A-a lot." I nervously replied as (F/n)- sighed in relief?

"Thank goodness you're not (R/n)." She said

"Why? Is there something wrong?" I asked as my two senpais looked at each other and looked back at me

"I guess it's time to explain everything to you. About what we know about (R/n)." She said as they told me about her time back at her old school in (C/n).

"I see... So that's why you've been a bit weird at times. Even before (R/n) arrived. You we're nervous to trust anyone at those times, and you're also nervous on what will they think of you, right?I asked

"Wait...You noticed?!" She exclaimed as I nodded in reply

I didn't expect that (R/n) would do such a thing. When I first met her, she was really polite to others and she's really kind. I guess I should never judge a book by its cover. For now, I want to help them. Then I realized something.

"Hey guys! I have an idea if you don't mind." I called

"Sure what is it?" Shindou-senpai asked

"......................................" I started explaining my idea to them in which it seems that they have agreed with my idea

"Alright let's do it. For now, let's go to the field they might be waiting for us." (F/n)-senpai said as we all went to the field carrying soccer balls

Kirino's POV
I looked at (F/n). I'm a bit worried about her especially when she's around. It made really wonder. Why did she even do it?

"Kirino get back to your position!" Coach Endou ordered

"Hai!" I replied as I went back to my position

I hope you're alright....

(F/n)'s POV
"Hey (R/n)... Can I talk to you for a moment..after practice?" I said

"Sure." (R/n) replied

I smiled and went back to the field. At times like this I must take risks on whatever may happen. Who knows what might happen as time passes by. I decided to practice by myself. I did some drills here and there yet I'm still thinking of what to say to her or maybe even ask her. 

A while later it was break time. I had a chat with the managers about the upcoming match. It didn't took that long when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look behind to see Kurama along with Hayami and Hamano.

"Hey, do you have a minute? We need to talk to you." Kurama asked

"Yeah sure." I replied 

We went somewhere quite far away from the field. There is tension that's surrounding the place that made me feel uncomfortable. I've rarely talk to them to be honest that is also another why I'm nervous.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked

"Well we need your help in this hissatsu techinique that were planning for the next match, you in? Let's surprise the whole team!" Hamano asked

"Sure. How does it work?" I asked



"Hey (f/n)!" (R/n) called aa she ran towards me

"So what did you wanna talk about?" She asked

"Let's go somewhere no one's around." I said

"Okay." She replied

Myra: Ok... I'll cut it here..

Hope you like it!

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