Chapter 13- Misunderstanding

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Myra: Hey guys! Once again, I'm really sorry for not updating lately but since summer vacation, I'll update more chapters as much as I can.

Enjoy the story!!
Credits to the_blind_neko for helping me creating this chapter.
(F/n)'s POV
         "Thank you for everything." He said

          "Thank you as well and I... I love you Kirino." I said as he broke the hug and looked at me shock

I gave him my signature smile...

I laid down my bed and wondered... 'Why didn't he give me a proper reply yet?' His eyes only went wide when I confessed to him and then immediately left after, leaving me there standing. I don't know what to do now he might probably avoid me tomorrow.

The next day arrived. Morning practice is once again canceled due to inspection and we can use it again after classes. I tried to look for Kirino but no to avail.

I asked Takuto on where he is but he told that he is no where to be found. I felt disappointed about that. I felt disappointed to myself. He might probably hate me and think that I'm a idiot.

Classes began and still no sign of him. I wonder where he is. I hope he's alright.

Kirino's POV
Sneeze after sneeze. I wasn't able to go to school today because of this stupid sneeze. Though I still can't believe that she confessed to me. But I just left her without a proper answer.

When I saw the sun setting that time, I was worried that my mom might scold me again for going home late again.

So I ran away...

I hope she isn't mad at me. I didn't mean to disappoint her. *Sneeze* Today is not my lucky day

I wonder how is she doing?

I hope she doesn't hate me for that.

(F/n)'s POV
I can't stop thinking about it. Why? Just why would he leave empty handed, without an answer, these thoughts were in my head the whole day

~Math Period~
Math equations everywhere...

A. Find the value of x in the following:
1. 4x-5=3x+9
Ans: x=14

2. 22+5x=5+4x
Ans: x=3

3. 37-5x=17
Ans: .....

(You guys can also try computing these equations as well and tell me if got it wrong. Btw the answer on the third one is x=4)

While answering, the memory of what happened yesterday crossed my mind.

I can't get it out of my mind...

~Lunch time~
I just stared off the distance while my food getting cold.

         "Umm... (F/n). You've been staring off the distance for a while now. You're food is getting cold." Takuto said as my mind went back to reality

           "Oh sorry." I replied as I ate my food

~At soccer practice~

       "We need to talk." Takuto said as he pulled me aside from practice

       "What's going on with you lately?" Takuto asked as looked away

        "Nothing." I replied

       "You really are a terrible liar. You know that, right?" Takuto said as sighed in defeat

         "Fine... I'll tell you... I... I already confessed to him." I said as his eyes went wide

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