Chapter 16- (F/n)'s Past 2

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-The Next Day-
Shindou's POV
I need to talk to her. She needs to reach out to others. She can't just depend on me all the time. We're a team, and as captain, I have to ensure that everyone must be aware of their teammate's situations.

I know what to do...

(F/n)'s POV
After the announcement that (R/n) is joining the team, I left the club room and went home. My father isn't back yet as usual. He's working hard for the both of us that he rarely has any time for me, but I don't mind. Besides I survived at (C/n) while he is here in Japan.

Even when I was young, I was bullied. I was too dense at first and always try to befriend them.

There was one girl in particular back in 2nd grade. Her name was Yamasaki Taeko. She was a transferee so I thought being friends with her would be a good idea. On the first day of school, I sat next to her.

"Hey. You're the new girl, right?" I asked as she nodded in reply.

"I'm (L/n) (F/n). What's your name?" I asked

"Taeko... Yamasaki Taeko." She replied

"Let's be friends Yamasaki-chan!" I exclaimed as I pulled out my hand as she shook my hand

"Sure." Yamasaki replied

We became friends but I never really knew her true intentions. After a few weeks, she starts asking me to do things like getting her stuff, etc. I never noticed it but she's abusing me making me her servant, but luckily I always tell my parents on what happened when I'm in the school. They noticed what my new friend is doing; they reported it to my adviser, and I was told to stay away from her.

Few years later when I was in fourth grade, I found out who she really was. She befriends people who has a big reputation in school and tries to ruin it. The moment I realized it, I warned my friends. I warned them countless times, but they never listened. In the end I was the one who lost.

I was bullied non-stop. I had no one to support me, no one to help me, and no one to talk to. As much as I want to tell my father about it. I can't. He's still busy from work. I don't want to be a burden to him so decided to keep my mouth shut.

The bullying never stop. The pain in my body never disappeared. It only gets worse. I'm sick of it. I can't take it any more!

But then I met him. The very first person to help me after 2 years. Luckily.. I was able to know his name, Kirino Ranmaru. I remember him asking for my name was, but I was too shy that I ran away.

After that I observed him from the sides and after I ended being beaten up by my old friends. Every single day that it became my routine. It was horrible. I tried to find a way to calm myself down at the times when I couldn't take it any longer.

Then I found something. When I was cleaning the library, I accidentally dropped a book. It was a book about the beauty of flowers. I was captivated by it. With that I found a new hobby and everyday I read a chapter of it. Even when I finished it, I would still read it over and over again. It sometimes made me forget about my problems that I made a friend, Shindou Takuto. He was also bullied. I know what he's feeling that's why we stayed at each other's side but I still haven't thanked the guy who help me out back then.

Few days later, the teachers caught them bullying me and the moment my father heard about it. He told me to switch schools. I didn't want to do it at first 'cause I don't want to leave Takuto all alone. In the end I have no choice but to accept it.

"Huh? You're moving!? You're leaving me (F/n)-chan!?" Takuto said as he was about to cry

"I'm sorry Takuto. Im really sorry!" I said as we both cried knowing it's painful to leave someone you cared about behind.

"The day after tomorrow is my last day. Let's make the most out of it!" I said trying to cheer him up

"Yeah!" He replied

The next day happened. No one bullied us for the first time. We just enjoyed ourselves. Before the day ended I saw someone being bullied. At first... I was scared. I don't really know what to do. But then I just realized I have to tell the teachers about this so I ran up to the second and told them what I saw. They immediately rushed over there and stopped the bullies. After the bullies ran away, I was able to get a closer look of the victim... I didn't expect it to be him... Kirino.

Maybe this a method to repay him after what he did for me. Before leaving, I was satisfied. Satisfied to save him from them.

And with that I left Japan and went to (C/n). At first it was fine but in the end they're just like them. The people who were once the people trust but they're the ones who put a knife on my back.

I hate this. I hate my life. I now know that the people that I could completely trust are Takuto and Him. Which is why I decided to go back besides the fact that I'm sick of being bullied all over again.

-End of flashback-

After reminiscing these memories, I couldn't help but let these pain out. Tears starts to cease. As much as I want to resist but I couldn't. I might be quite loud right now. I hope no one hears me.

Kirino's POV
I'm glad that (R/L/n) is joining, but something's not right here. Especially when (F/n) was the one who will decide whether (R/L/n) is joining or not. It's also shocking to see Shindou being angry at her. It's like he hate her. This is making me even more confused.

I wonder, "What's going on?" As I was about to go to the field. Coach Endou told me to stay for a bit.

"Kirino. Come over here." He called as I followed

"You and (L/n)-san are dating, right?" He asked as my cheeks flushed in embarrassment

I heard him chuckle a bit...

"Judging from your reaction, I think it's true." He said

"Why did you ask me to stay coach?" I asked

"So you didn't noticed, huh? I might as well tell you now." He said

"Tell me what?" I asked

"Before I tell you, let me ask you. What is your responsibility as (L/n)-san's boyfriend?" He asked

"Well to support her, love her and understand her." I answered

"I see. Well where is she now?" He asked as I looked wrote

She's not here...

"She left in the middle of practice. In other words, she went home a bit depressed." He said

What?! I didn't even noticed that... I'm her boyfriend.. I have to there by her side. Always...

" Coach..." I said as he looked at me

"I have to go to her." I said







"Then go. Be there for her. Find out what's wrong." He replied as I nodded in reply and left the school

I'm on my way (F/n)...

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