Chapter 3- Sights and positions

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Myra: Hey guys!!  Here's another chapter.

Tsurugi: I never expected you to finish early.

Tenma: Yeah you always finish it like once a month.

Myra: Don't tell me Tenma that you're teaming up with Tsurugi.

Tenma: A bit. *smiles*

Myra: *sighs*

TakuRan: Enjoy the story!

(I only own the plot of this story)

(Note: This is the last part of the flashback)

-Two days later (after classes)-

Still Kirino's POV
I was waiting for Shindou near the gates. After a while, I saw him running towards me with a soccer ball in his hands.

          "Hey Kirino." Shindou called

          "Hey let's go." I said

          "Actually I have something else planned." He said

          "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked

          "Well.... I kinda registered the two  of us to join the soccer club" Shindou replied

         "N-Nani?!?! (W-what?!?!) Shindou you should've told me!" I said

            "I know I know, sorry" He apologized

"It's alright so... what know?" I said

"Well... since I registered the two of us in, why not join in?" He replied

"Yeah sure...." I said looking down

"Great let's go!!!" Shindou said as he dragged me to the soccer club

We arrived at the soccer club a bit early. The club adviser arrived after us and asked us if were interested in joining the club. We just simply nod in reply and the adviser left.

I looked at the purple flower in my bag. My mind went back to the time when the girl with the (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) beautiful orbs saved me from those bullies. Then I remembered Shindou asking me which position do I want to play.

~~This small flashback is brought to you by Wondeba's overeacting when he didn't became the coach in the matches in Chrono stone.(Wondeba: Hey!!!)~~

-small flashback-

"Hey Kirino, before we start how about you choose a position you want to play." Shindou said

"Uhmm.... how about you teach me first then I'll decide which position I want to play." I said

"Alright then sakka yarouze! (Let's play soccer!)" Shindou said as he kicked the ball in the air.

-end of small flashback-

I sighed and looked at the Campanula again, it made me remember about the changes that happened to me. I became more confident than before, I gave different advises some kids around my age about being bullied, and I started defending  people from bullying.

Defending? Then it hit me. Defending the goal is like defending those people that are being bullied. I smiled to myself. I've decided which position I want to play.

"Hey Shindou." I said while patting his shoulder

"What is it?" Shindou asked as he looked at me with a questioning look

"Remember when you asked me which position do I want to play." I said

"Yeah. What about it?" He asked

"I've decided." I replied

"Hontoni?! (Really?!)" He exclaimed

"Hai! (Yeah!) I've decided that I want to be a defender." I said

Shindou smiled and said "That's great Kirino, let's do our best so we could play in matches together."

We made it in the team. I told Shindou that he should go home first because I'm going stroll around the park before I go home. We said our goodbyes at gates of our school as we went on opposite sides. After a few minutes I arrived at the park. I walked around the park for a few minutes. Then I sat on a nearby bench looking at the crowded park.

As I looked around, I saw a sight that made my eyes widened. A girl with (h/l)(h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes sitting in front of a tree while reading a book with blue and gold highlights.

I took the flower from my bag and went towards her. It's now my chance to say thank you to her. I was almost there until lots of people blocked my way. I struggled my way out. Once I got out I looked at the tree again but she's no longer there anyone. I decided to go home. I hid the flower in my bag again and went home.

I arrived home a bit later than before. I walked inside the house feeling all gloomy.

           "Ranmaru, Are you alright?" My mom asked

"Hai (Yeah), I'm alright." I muttered as I sat down on the couch

"You're not. What happened? Did someone bullied you again?" She said

"It's nothing really." I replied

"Ranmaru, you can lie to others but you can never lie to me" she answered

I sighed and said "I saw her." Her eyes widened in pure shock.

"You mean-"

"If you're thinking the who saved me from bullies then yes" I said

"What hapened after that?" She asked

"I was planning to give the flower to her but she's already gone when I'm almost near her." I answered

"I see so that's why you're so gloomy." She said as she sat down next to me.

"You know there's always a next time. You might see her again soon. My mom said as I nodded in agreement

"Arigatou Okaa-san. (Thanks mom). I said as I hugged her and she hugged me back.

-End of Flashback-
Myra: Finish!!!!

Shindou: Nice job!

Myra: Thanks!

Kirino: ....

Tenma: You okay Kirino-senpai?

Kirino: Yeah I'm okay. I thought I was being bullied again.

Shindou: Don't worry *holds Kirino's hand* I'm here to protect you always.

Tsurugi: ...

Myra: *squeals* TakuRan all over again.

KyouTen: *sweatdrops* Hope you like the story!!!

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