Chapter 4- A sudden announcement

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Myra: ...

Kirino: Myra? Are you alright?

Myra:*falls asleep on Kirino's shoulder*

Kirino: M-myra!! *tensed a bit*

Shindou:*walks in and looks at Kirino and Myra* There you are Myra.

Kirino: What happened to her?

Tenma: She got carried away on writing because summer is almost so she's been writing all night without any sleep.

Tsurugi:For now since she's asleep we'll take over while you Kirino-senpai will watch over her, got that?

Kirino: Hai!

Shindou: Enjoy the story.

{(C/n) means country's name and (f/c) means favorite color)
-Present time-
3rd Person's POV

"Well that's my story, let's go." Kirino said as they went inside their classroom.

They arrived a bit early so they decided to seat next to each other. After a while the teacher and the other students also arrived.

             "Ohayou minna (Good morning everyone), before we start classes let's have a small announcement." The Nakamura-sensei (The female teacher from the previous chapters. I decided give both teachers a name but she's the one appearing for now)

Everyone began whispering to one another telling one another what they think the announcement is. Nakumura-sensei told everyone to be quiet so she could continue what she's saying.

            "Anyways, there will be a new student coming here in 3 days and she will be studying here from now on. She used to be studying in (C/n) from the school (S/n). So when she arrived here, please treat her well." Nakamura-sensei said

"Hai!" The students replied

             "Alright turn your books to page 93. Today we will be studying about the  Rational Algebraic Expressions" Nakamura-sensei said as they flipped the pages to page 93.

Shindou's POV
Lunch time arrived a bit earlier than before. Probably because they're preparing for the new student's arrival. We decided to eat at the rooftop with the rest of the club but they haven't arrived yet.

"Hey Shindou." My bestfriend, Kirino called

"What is it?" I asked

"What kind of person do you think the new student will be?" Kirino asked

"I don't know, I just hope that it won't one of my fangirls again." I replied as he laughed a little bit.

After a while the rest of the soccer club arrived and began a conversation same as before.

             "Hey, I heard that there will a new student moving to your class Shindou, Kirino. Sangoku-san said

             "Yeah, our classes even finished really early than before." I replied

             "I hope the new student plays soccer!!" Tenma exclaimed

             "Tenma, don't expect that everyone can play soccer." Sorano said

             "I just hope that he's not a seed from fifth sector." Hayami said

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