Chapter 19- Resolution?

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(F/n)'s POV
"So what did you wanna talk about?" She asked

"Let me get straight to the point. What are you doing here in Japan?" I asked

"What do you mean? Am I not allowed to be here?" She replied

"That's not what I meant. From what I remembered you have a scholarship there, what happened?" I asked

"I lost it... because of you.." She muttered

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You know what I mean! I lost my scholarship because you're mom told the Principal about those lies!"

"Lies... those aren't lies! Do you have any idea on what you did to me?!"

"What? Escape your way to everything by cheating? You have got to be kidding me!"

"What the- who told you that? I've never done such thing."

"What are you talkimg about? Everyone in school knows about that. I was surprised when Milly told me so-"

"And you believed her over your own bestfriend?!"

"Yeah! If I didn't believed her, I would've been blind on the things you've been doing behind my back!"

"Behind your back? What did you think I've been doing behind your back?" I asked

I felt betrayed from what I am hearing. I tried to compose myself as much as I could but those next thing she said surprised me.

"Don't tell me you don't know! You've been spreading rumors behind my back and you even tried to act about it." She replied


Another day in (S/n). I walked to school with my best friend, (R/n), who is quite busy with her phone at the moment. When we arrived at school, every hallway we passed through we can hear some people snickering at us.

"What's going on?" I asked my friend

"I don't know. Let's asked our classmates." She said

"Yeah. Let's go." I replied as we went to the classroom

"Guys this is bad!" We heard someone shouted inside classroom

"What's going on?" I asked my classmate about it

"Haven't you heard the rumors going around the school?" She asked us

"What is it about?" (R/n) asked

"It's about you (R/n). They told us that you've been beating up some of our classmates behind close doors." She said

"What! I would never!" (R/n) exclaimed

~~End of Flashback~~

"Y-you think I did it? What makes you say that? H-how could you!" I shouted

I feel like I'm about to cry. I have no idea on where she's getting all of these things that weren't even true. If only there's only a way I could prove to her I didn't do it.




I got it!

"(R/n) who told you I did it again?" I asked

"It was Milly, what about it? She told me that you asked her to spread those rumors around the whole school." (R/n) said annoyed

"(R/n) from you said, do you think she would talk to someone like whom she thinks a loser?" I asked

"What do you mean?" She's probably confused. She doesn't even remember it.

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