Chapter 15- An acquaintance

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Myra: Hey guys!

Sorry if I haven't updated anything for a while now but I'm trying to update something every month but that doesn't mean I'm only updating this book but my other book as well and also my YT channel with my crew.
Hope you guys understand..

But I'm still glad that you guys continued to support my story!!


That's all for now!

Enjoy the story!!!
Kirino's POV
I'm now worried. (F/n) is suddenly not herself right. She looks frightened ever since (R/L/n) arrived here.

Does she know her?


Is she afraid of someone else?

I really need some help for this for now we need to focus especially the next match is coming up.

But as her boyfriend I should know. Maybe I should ask (F/n) about this later on.

Classes ended. As I was about to approach (F/n), (R/L/n)-san approached me and she said that she wanted to know me more.

We had a small chat about her time when she was at (C/n). She explained on how beautiful it is there. But out of all those one information struck me.

"Back then I used to be friends with (F/n)." She said

"Wait! Really?" I asked

"Yeah! We're like super close." She replied

"I see. But what happened? You said that you were friends back then." I asked

"Betrayal." She muttered

"What? Why would (F/n) betray someone like that?" I thought

"What happened?" I asked

"Well.. I don't know why did she betrayed me but I'll tell you what happened." (R/L/n)-San said

~In (R/n) story~
(R/n)'s POV
I walked to school but it wasn't the usual walk I do 'cause this time, I'm walking by myself. I'm supposed to be walking with my best friend, (L/n)(F/n), but for some reason she didn't walked with me.

I asked her mom to where she is so we could walk together. But she said that she already left since she's in charge with cleaning the classroom today.

I didn't mind it and went to school. When I arrived, rumors were everywhere. They kept talking about me cheating in the last quarterly exams.

I was shocked...

Who did this?

Then suddenly, I heard a familiar voice. I didn't expect this..

The one behind all this is none other than...


She betrayed me...

~End of Story~

Kirino's POV
I can see her crying while telling me this story. It sounds real but why do I feel like this is wrong. There's something wrong in her story. Maybe asking (F/n) would be a good idea.

"Thanks for telling me the story. I have to go to the soccer club now." I said

"You're going to the soccer club! Can I come with you? I've been planning to join the club." She asked

"Sure." I replied as we went to the club room

(F/n)'s POV
It's been five minutes since club meeting begun...

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