Chapter 10- Let's talk about it.

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Myra: I'm out of ideas......

Tsurugi: Great! Dear readers since our author is out ideas this book will be dis-

Myra: *smacks Tsurugi on the head*
There is no way that this book will ever be discontinued.

Tenma: Myra I have an idea *whispers to Myra the idea*

Myra: Great idea!

TakuRan: Enjoy the story!
(F/n)'s POV
I decided to go to the clubroom early today. I enjoyed my time with Kirino two days ago. I still can't believe that he would really do all of that for me if he would ever know that I was the one who saved him.

I'm also glad that mom stopped asking me about same thing over and over again. Now I've been thinking, should I tell him the truth or not? I should probably ask Takuto about it.

Morning practice began. I kept thinking on what should I do with Kirino. Should I tell him the truth or wait for him to realize the truth?Because of these thoughts I didn't notice there a ball heading towards me.

It was too late when I realized and it hit me directly on my head. I fell down.

"(F/n)!!" Takuto shouted as he ran towards me

"Are you alright?" He asked me as he looked at me worriedly

          "I-I'm fine." I lied I couldn't focus with all these thoughts running through my head.

           "(F/n)... you can't lie to me. You've never been this before, so something has been bothering you, am I right?" He said as I avoided his gaze on me

"Based on your actions, I believe I'm right, what's wrong?" He said

"W-well can we talk about it in private or after practice?" I replied

-After Practice at their classroom-
              "So what's wrong?" Takuto asked as I looked down

              "What should I do?" I muttered him as he looked me confuse

"What do you mean?" He asked

"What should I do with Kirino? Should I tell him the truth or not? If I tell him the truth will he get mad at me? But if I didn't and figured it out by himself, how will he react...I don't know... what to do." I asked him

Shindou's POV
I looked at my childhood worriedly who is currently deep in thought thinking about Kirino.

It's been a long time since she went deep in thought about something. The last time when she was deep in thought was four years ago when...

I remembered the exact words of the 3 bullies (they're all girls btw) said to     (F/n).

            "You're ugly! Useless! You have no right to be here!" The leader said

            "Yeah you don't belong here! You're a mistake! You should probably leave Japan and never ever comeback!" The 2nd bully said

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