Chapter 21- Campanula

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Myra: Hey guys! Here is the final Chapter of Campanula!

Thank you guys for reading and supporting my story!

Enjoy the story!


The couple sat by the tree as they enjoy the view before them. As the sun is about to set, Kirino stood up went to the flowers while (F/n) followed behind him. They both stopped at a certain lane. The lane where it all began. The flower that became Kirino's motivation to her, and (F/n)'s love for flowers and friendships led to meeting her first love. Campanula, the flower that means gratitude, this is the flower that brought these two together. Their bond connects to a single flower that will forever bloom as long as they live. Struggles may come at times, but their love becomes stronger once they overcome it.

They stared at the flower before them. Kirino immediately plucked on out and put it on her hair. The girl blushed slightly from the action.

"You look beautiful with that flower, (F/n)." Kirino compliment

"Thanks." She replied shyly

"We should be going now. It's getting dark now." Kirino said

"Sure. Let's go." She replied as the two held hands and went out the garden 

The couple went home. Kirino brought (F/n) to her home before he went home by himself. When he went inside, he was greeted by his mom who has been waiting to hear what happened.

"Ranmaru you're back!" His mother said

"Yeah." He replied

"So... How did it go?" She ask

"It went well. We did a lot things together. We both have a lot of fun." He happily replied

"I see. You can tell me more stories tomorrow. For now, you some sleep." She said

"Sure mom. Night." He said

"Goodnight sweetie." She said


(F/n)'s POV

Days have passed. Today is the match between Raimon and Kaiou Academy. This time I'm on the starting players as a defender. I wasn't really able to show my abilities last match. This time... it's time for to shine. I've been training for this a long time now. It's time to show my skills. I felt a hand on my right shoulder. I turned around to see Takuto.

"Let's win this match together." Takuto said

"Yeah." I replied

"(F/n)-san." Aoi called

"What is it Aoi?" I asked

"I heard that you went on a date with Kirino-senpai, is that true?" She ask

"Well yeah we did." I reply

"Really?! When?" She ask suprisingly

"Well... I think it was the day of the newest release of the movie. I remember watching the movie on it's release with you guys..." I reply

"Why didn't you tell us you we're on a date?!?!?!" Aoi shouted that was heard by the whole team

This is awkward...

"Aoi calm down it's fine." I asssured

"Who went on a date?" Sangoku-san ask

"Kirino and (F/n)" Midori reply

"Wait really?" Everyone asks (besides the ones who already knew)

"Yeah... we did." Kirino reply with a small smile on his face

Everyone was surprised from what they, but their thoughts were stopped by Coach Endou calling us.

"Alright guys enough chit-chat. It's for us to play soccer!" He said

"Yeah!" We all cheered

I felt my heart beating so fast. This is my first time playing for a whole match. I'm getting nervous. I clasp my hands and closed my eyes as I hope to do my very best for this match. Not long after I felt something warm wrapped my hands. I opened my eyes to see Ranmaru in front of me holding my hands.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. I'll be here to cover for you." He said

"Thank you." I replied as he went back to his position

Ranmaru believe in me. Takuto believe in me. Everyone in my team believes in me... So I have to believe in myself as well.


The match is still ongoing with a score of 2-1 with our opponents in the lead. The strikers are getting closer to the goal. The one who is in the possession of the ball was the captain. As soon as he was getting closer to me, he unleashed its avatar as an attempt to prevent from stealing the ball. What he didn't know was that I have something up my sleeve.

I stood firm at my spot as I created a row of seeds that grew big and tall. My hissatsu technique, the technique that I have been training for the last weeks.

"Mame no ki no kabe! (Wall of beanstalks" I shouted

The avatar user was surprised and lost balance that created an opening for me to steal the ball. I dribbled the ball and passed it to Ranmaru. He dribbles up to pass it to Takuto.

Takuto unleashes his avatar used his avatar to make a goal. The goalkeeper realized it too late that the went in.

"Goal! Raimondo scored a goal by Shindou with (L/n) and Kirino's assist." The announcer said

The game soon ended with a score of 4-3 with our victory. We were all glad that we won. There are still more challenges up ahead, but for now, we need a little rest.

"We won! We did it!" Tenma's shouted while Shinsuke was jumping up down happily

"Yeah. We did. " Takuto replied

"That was a great hissatsu (F/n)." Sangoku-san said to me

"Oh thanks... It took me a while to master it." I said while rubbing the back of my head nervously

"You did great out there." Ranmaru said

"Thanks." I replied

Then I saw him went to the locker to get something, and went back to me with something behind his back. He showed me what he was hiding.

It was a Campanula...

A flower that he's been keeping for so long, and gave to me a few weeks ago.

It is precious to the both us knowing what it means to us...

I love you....

Thank you for everything...

~~The End~~

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