Chapter 14- Conflict resolved

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Myra: Sup guys! New chapter is here!

Tenma: umm.... Aren't you going to tell us what happened between you and Kirino-senpai?

Myra and Kirino: ....

Shindou: Come on you two spill it.

Tsurugi: Enjoy the story!

{(R/L/n) means random last name}

(F/n)'s POV
I arrived at his room. I saw him tucked in bed, sleeping peacefully, like there's a calm aura surrounding him.

I waited for him to wake up. While that I decided to make some chicken soup for him. I've been making dinner ever since I was eleven so I don't mind cooking.

After around 30 minutes, I finished making the chicken soup. I brought it to Kirino's room. When I arrived there I saw Kirino awake looking at me shock.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked I giggled slightly

"Kawaii (Cute)." I thought

"Well Takuto and I have decided to visit since you told him that you're sick but now your mom told me to take of you while those two went to do some errands." I explained

"So it's just the two of us then?" He asked

"I guess so... "












"By the way, I made some chicken soup for you." I said I handed him the chicken soup

"Thanks." He replied

"This is really awkward." I thought

I watch him he eats his chicken soup. I hope he likes it. Still I wonder what will I say to him. Should I just bring that topic up or not. This is really awkward.

"You know this taste good. I never knew that you could cook." He complimented as I blush slightly

"Thanks... " Was all I said as I looked away from him

I don't want things to be awkward...
I want to end this...
And probably be friends with him again...
I hope....

"By the way I want to ask you something." He said as I looked at him

"What is it?" I asked

Kirino's POV
"What is it?" She asked

I took a deep breath...

"Are you mad at me?" I asked

"What are you talking about? Why would I be mad?" She asked

"Well aren't you angry that I left you just like that? Aside from that I was absent without you knowing." He explained

"Are you kidding me?  I thought you were mad at me!" She exclaimed

"N-nani?!" I thought

"When you suddenly ran away from me yesterday, I thought you were trying reject me! Then today well... I've been trying to talk to you all day but you were that made me think that you're mad at me." She explained as she avoided eye contact

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