Chapter 17- Lover's Support

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Myra: Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter!

Kirino: Sorry for the delay-

Shindou: -And enjoy the story
(F/n)'s POV

I woke up to see my room. I wiped my tears. It seems like I fell asleep from all of that crying I did earlier. I got up and I looked at the clock to check the time. It was already 4:43pm. Practice is probably almost done. I need to talk to Takuto, and probably help me to tell them the truth. I... I can't stand it anymore. Hiding this fact from my friends who we're true to me and I even lied to Ranmaru. A while later I heard a knock. I looked around wondering where the knock came from.

"Who's there?" I asked then the knocking continued

Then it hit me. Someone was knocking on my window? Who could it be? It's probably just a stray cat. Then again I don't think that cat could do those knocks. I opened my window to see someone that I didn't expect to see, yet happy to know that he still cared about me.

"Ranmaru." I muttered to myself

"(F/n)! Uhmm.. Could you let me in? I think I'm about to fall from this tree." He said as I immediately pulled him to my room.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at practice?" I asked

"I was worried, so coach Endou told me to stay by your side. If there's something wrong please tell me. I'm your boyfriend after all." He said as I immediately hugged him tight

"W-woah! Are you alright?" He asked with a hint of surprise from my sudden action

"I'll tell you later. Can we be just like this for a little bit?" I asked

His gaze at me softened as he nodded in reply. I relaxed my arms around  him to not suffocate him. He put his hand on my (h/l) hair playing with it while the other is on my back comforting me. I'm happy to have a boyfriend like him.

But now I need to end this mess I've made and I'm going need everyone's help to conquer it. First I need to stop lying to him and always saying that I'm fine even though I'm not.

"Ranmaru." I called

"What is it (F/n)?" He asked

"Quick question: What do you know about (R/n)?" I asked

"Well... all I know is that you two studied at the same school back at (C/n), she's the same age as ours, and there something that she told me something about you betrying her. I was wondering if that's true." He said as my widened about what he said about me betraying her

"No it's not true." I replied

"What do you mean?" He asked

"It was the other way around." I said

"You mean she betrayed you? Why would she do that?" He asked

"That's something I wanna know." I said

"So that's why when you first saw here you were afraid of her." He said

"Yeah.. The moment I saw her again. Memories from the came to mind it's like I could never forgive her for what she did to me. I don't know what you do but at least I have Takuto. He knows everything about it that's why he wanted to reject her application form." I said

"But now you have me to support you now and help you with this problem." He said as he broke the hug and we faced each other.

"Thank you Ranmaru. I really love you so much." I said happily

"I love you too." He replied

3rd person POV

They both stare at each other's eyes as Kirino's hand touched her cheek while the other is on her back as they slowly lean towards each other.

7 cm

5 cm

3 cm

1 cm

They both closed their eyes as their lips touched for the very first time. It was a soft and gentle kiss. Cherishing this moment that they right now. Now they're inseparable. Their love for one another is growing stronger and stronger. They have each other's company and support.

After a few seconds they pulled away. Catching their breath from their kiss. They look at each other knowing that they have finally did it without anyone interrupting them.

"Hey Ranmaru." (F/n) called

"Yeah? What is it?" Kirino's asked

"Let's go to the garden. I need to get something there." I said

"Sure." Kirino replied as they went out of the house on their way to the garden


The next day (F/n) decided to attend morning practice early this time since she wasn't able to finish practice yesterday. When she arrived at the clubroom, the only person she saw was Coach Endou.

"Morning Coach!" (F/n) greeted

"Ah Good Mornin' (F/n)!" He greeted back

"Are you feeling better now? Coach Endou asked

"Yeah. Sorry for worrying you." (F/n) said

"It's alright. Anyways it seems like Kirino was able to do his duty as your boyfriend, am I right?" He asked

"Yeah he did-" Then it hit me

"Wait.. How did you know about that?!' (F/n) exclaimed as he let out a small laugh

"About that. Shindou told me about it. As your coach, I'm supposed to be informed about this." He replied as (F/n) became a bit flustered

The only ones who knew about their relationship is Kirino's mom and Takuto. (F/n) didn't expect him to tell coach about this but in her opinion it's alright. Sooner or later everyone will eventually know this.

"So... When are you going to tell the team about this? Coach Endou asked

" Soon but for now. I need a favor to ask you coach." She said

" Alright what is it?" He asked as she whispered something in his ear.


"Is it alright with you coach?" She asked

"Of course. As your coach, I need to look after my players." He replied as one by one the others has arrived

"Good Morning coach! Mornin' senpai!" Tenma and Shinsuke greeted

"Morning Coach! (F/n)-san!" Aoi greeted

"Good morning you three!" Coach Endou greeted

"Morning!" (F/n) greeted

Soon everyone was here except for (R/n). We all decided to wait a bit longer for (R/n)' s arrival since it's her first day of being a member of the club.

(F/n)'s POV
A few moments later, she has finally arrived. She apologized for being late. Soon we left the room to start practice.

As I was about to head out, I felt a hand tapped on my shoulder. I looked at my side to see Takuto with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you going to be alright?" He asked as he looked at (R/n) as a sign that he was pertaining to her

"Yeah I'm going to be fine." I said with confidence

He was surprised. He knew I was afraid of her but now that I have my lover's support, there's nothing to be afraid of now.

Myra: Done!

Tenma: Great now it's time for your to relax a bit

Myra: Yeah I guess so.. Or maybe not it depends.

Tsurugi: Just don't overwork yourself

Myra: Hai Hai.

Hope you like this chapter!!

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