05 secret

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Taehyung's POV

I was about to stand to help Jimin but....

"I want Rosè to go with me!!"

What the hell?!! I thought I'm your partner in crime Jimin!!

Aish!! I just scratch my head in frustration


Oh yeah it's dismissal!!

Wonder where can I find Jimin??

I run through the rooftop because there was the hiding place of Jimin bringing other girls but he is not here

I run through the parking lot but his car was still there

"Maybe in the canteen!!"

I run through the canteen fast as I could but no Jimin was found again

Aish!! That Jimin hyung!!

I sat down to the near bench and sighed

Maybe in the garden??

I run fast and when I arrived I saw a figure of a man sitting beside the tree as I was about to grab him ....

"Watch where you going man!" He shouted

Oops! Wrong person


A long minutes after I have found a fountain then there I saw another figure of a man with a black hair so I guess it's Jimin

"Jimin hyung!" I shouted even if I'm near him

"Yah Taehyung! I'm here" he said then pouted because he knew I will make fun of him because of being dwarf

"Yah! Hyung! Why did you not pick me??" I said then pouted

"Yah! Don't be like that! Remember the bet??" He said

Oh yeah! I almost forgot the bet!

I haven't have a move yet! With that..... Jin..Jan...Jen..JENNIE!!

Got it Jennie is her first name

"Be right back hyung!"

I run through the parking lot to find Jennie but there car was nowhere to be found

Aish! What a bad day!


I'm arrived at our house and now I'm just lying down on my bed and thinking what will be my plan on Jennie


Jennie's POV

The girls have there own boy friend not a boyfriend relation ship but just a friend

But me? Nothing just me

I walk to my room and lay down and I didn't feel I just fell asleep


I heard someone's calling me

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