012 Shocking/Happy

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Thank you guys for reading!!!! Please follow me for another stories!!! Enjoy reading ^_^

Jungkook's POV

I was about to say that 'bet' thing but I can't... I just feel bad about saying it because...

Im inlove with her

I can't just let her feelings for me getting away and let her heart broke

"Kookie,, what are you going to say?" She asked smiling

Her smile makes my nervousness away
Her beautiful eyes that I can trust
Her heart that I can't broke
because of this called 'love'

"I....ah....nothing" I said then smiled

I guess,, I will just keep this secret all the time

Or maybe soon,, at the right time ,, at the right place

Jennie's POV

"Jennie-ah,," he called "I have to tell you something"

"We have this so called b---"

He was interrupted by the waiter

"Here's your bill sir"

"here,, keep the change" He said

" what you are going to say Taehyung-ah??" I asked

"ahhhh....... nothing"

Taehyung's POV

I did not tell her because I know this isn't the right time

I smiled at her and she smiled back


We are here at the hotel because we are stranded!!! why?!?

because it is raining so heavy that my car engine stopped!!!

I sat beside Jennie

-__- " <------ Jennie

0_o <------- Me

"Jennie are you okay??" I asked


" why?? are you sick??"

"I'm worried about the girls,maybe they were worried about me"

"Text them"

"Low battery,You?"

"Me too, but there is nothing to worry about"

^0^ <----- Me

^__^ <----- Jennie


Me and Jennie are talking about some random stuffs

She looked into my lips while im biting it.... I dont know why but my body moved forward closer to Jennie

I kissed her so passionately....Her lips was so soft

I was about to open Jennie's shirt but...

"Not that fast Taehyung" She said then winked at me

She walked away and sat again

I followed her and sat beside her

"Your so cute Taehyung-ahh,can I call you MY alien?"

0_0  <----- Me

^__^   <----- Jennie


Sorry for a short and slow update guys

but I'll very try my best to update fast ^__^



THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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