22 Goodbye

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Lisa's POV

Staying at Jungkook's side was like a memorable moment. He is sometimes funny and sweet. I remember those days. Those days were I confessed. Those days were we stayed together. *sighs* Memories...

'Hello madam' The man said over the phone

"Hi, Uhmm. prepare a five star hotel please" I said

'A luxury madam?'

"Well ofcourse,  Would I lay myself on a dirty cheap bed?"I sarcastically said

'S-Sorry madam. I will get it right away" He said stuttering

"Good." I simply said and ended the call

Before I would go to the hotel, I just found myself going to the cafe
And there, I saw Jungkook and I think his grandfather.

"Jungkook be reminded that Tomorrow, you will meet the Chou Enterprises for the marriage" I heard

"B-But Granpa, what about my Studies?!?"

"No buts! I already told your teachers about it" 

"Fine! Arrange me a good wedding for the Chou"

I quit eavesdropping. I already heard enough. I felt my heart squeezed.


I just ordered one frappe and a black forest cake top with whipped cream and oreos.

While driving, I saw a couple eating ice cream. They are so sweet.
We are like that before, Jungkook.
That sweetness,
That smile on our face,

Omg! what am I thinking?? Aishhhhh..

***The next day***

I sat down at my bed and turn on the TV.. I nexted the chanel and there I saw
Their wedding...

"Before we start, I must thank  first for the people that are now gathering for the wedding of Chou and Jeon. THANK YOU"

*all the flower girls, brides maid and grooms men are walking down the aisle*

*and now... Tzuyu wearing beautiful long gown*

A/N:Play the music   'That should be me'  by:Justin Bieber (even though there is no wedding part)

She is walking down the aisle as if she was the luckiest girl in the world. She grab Jungkoook's hand like there is no tomorrow.

That should be me holding his hand. That should be me walking through the altar. That should be me saying 'I do'. That should be me wearing that gown. That should be me kissing Jungkook infront of the crowd. That should be me staying with Jungkook forever. THAT SHOULD BE ME...

I guess this is the end of our love story Jungkook. But always remember, You are always inside my heart.



A short update for now. Sorry!  Hope you would cry in this chapter hehehehe!

Author Katiee


THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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