013 LoVe

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first of all guys!! thank you for still supporting!!...

and a free shout out to @zm_escamilla!!! thank you for reminding me to update!!!

Enjoy reading guys hope you enjoy it

Lisa's POV

*knock* *knock*

"Open!!,, Pls come in!!" I shouted

Jennie entered my room...


"Huh?? Taehyung?? Since when?? How??" I asked

I dont know but there is too many questions in my mind. I really dont understand, how could that be possible if im not seeing them together sweetly

Ohhh!!  I remember their date?!?

'Which is im a third wheel!! -__-'

"Slow down Lalice, One question please!!" She said happily

"How?? How did that big thing happen?!?!?!" I asked her

"Well,, we are stranded!! then this happened..."

Jennie's POV


"Your so cute Taehyung-ahh,can I call you MY alien?" I asked shyly

I make my self look cute.... so that Taehyung will say yes!.. im very very nervous right now!!

He suddenly Bend down his knee and look up to me

"Your not the one to question that for me....*eheemmm*...... Jennie-ah, You know I really love you, even though were just newly know each other... but no matter what takes us, lets be strong, never leave each other behind" He sincerely said "I promise not to break your heart, love you forever, no matter what it takes, ME and YOU will always be TOGETHER..... Jennie Kim, would you be my girlfriend?"

ohhhh my Goshhhh!!! I wanna scream very loud!!! I thought he would say 'no' but it turns out..he asked me..



"Ye-YES TAEHYUNG!!" I shouted at him with a sweet voice

\ (^.^) ) <---- Taehyung

(>>//////////<<) <----- Me

***End of flashback***

"Woahhh Daebak unnie!!" She said "I cant believe it!!"

"hahhahaha, by the way, how's your date with jungkook?" I asked a she blushed!!! she's look like a red tomato!!!


Yeaaa!!!! I know its too short but.... I write it on purpose, I write it because i want to have an update for my readers, You know!!!

Anyways, this is just a short chapter but please appreciate it



THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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