010 JiRosè

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Im editing the last chapter please read it again

Look at the picture above

Its for your energizing blackbangtan readers  ^_^

anyways,,another short chapter

Rosè's POV

Its a first date for me and jimin,, I asked for it

I pick the long sleeve black crop top with a silver sparkles,,a pink shorts and a pair of boots

I put on light makeup and I just let down my hair

I grab my phone and wallet and put it to the bag

Walking down stairs and saw lisa texting

"Where are you going Pasta??" she asked

"Meeting with someone" I said with a smile.. she just nooded her head

I lay down to the couch and texted Jimin

Im ready Jimin ^_^

A few minutes he replied

Almost there :*

Im waiting for him to fetch me thats why

While scrolling to my phine I heard footsteps coming from the stairs

I look up and saw Unnie Jisoo and unnie jennie with pretty clothes and make up on

" where are you going Pasta??" She asked

"hangout with someone?" I said with a smile

"Me... Im left here alone?? *pout* "Lisa  jump off nowhere saying with a pout

We look at each other except Lisa


"Ok Lisa kyeopta go get change,, your going with me" Jennie said breaking the silence

"YAY!!! thank you Unnie" Lisa said shouting and running upstairs

o_0 third wheel?



We are here at the restaurant
with the food on our table

I begin to eat while Jimin is texting someone??

Jimin's POV

I cant have a date with you love,sorry :(

Its ok love :) I think thats important right


I texted Seulgi so she wont get mad at me


I met Seulgi Last saturday when the bet started so yeah its been a week

Rosè and I have a walk on the park

while walking I saw Rosè getting tired

"Let's go home?"  I said

"hmmm... sure" She said tiredly

Rosè's POV

"hmmm...sure" I said and walk through the car

I lay my head down and fall asleep


I woke up and look around

eh? Im at my room? did Jimin...



"Unnie what happend?" Jennie said nervously



Sorry huys for not updating

It is because Im reading some other books like MHIAMB and Im already season 2!!!

Dont worry guys,, I will still update

^_^ annyeong



THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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