017 The Date

736 23 6

@Judine2004! Thank you for still supporting my stories!! so here my free shout out for you ^~^

If you want a shout out, just comment and I will do it !!


Our Next Chapter will be not part of the story! So please don't forget that 'cuz you might get Confused... It will be an Special Chapter for halloween...

Lisa's POV

I'm waiting for my Kookie here at the mall...

I am wearing White shorts, Pink boots and a Blue shirt...

"Hi Lisa," Someone Greeted

I looked up to my side and saw a girl.. I dont know her but she knows my name.. CREEPY...

"Uhh, Hi?" I said "Hehehehe" I faked laughed. I just feel an awkward silence between us

"You are Jungkook's Girlfriend, right?" She broked the silence

"Ahh hehehe Yeah"

"Awh well, You will cry soon" She smirked

Huh?? Why?? Is she paranoid?

"Anyway I have to go, I'm Tzuyu By the way and Jungkook will be mine soon.. So dont assume that you will be together, Forever" She suddenly said and I felt anger inside My body


My blood started to boil when she flipped her hair as if she was pretty...DUH!!

"Lisa, Who was that?" Jungkook suddenly arrived

"Uhh, I think her name is Taekook ( 😉 taekook stans? ) ? No, I mean, Tza--- No! No! It's... TZUYU... Yeah Its Tzuyu"

"Oh No! That Brat! Better watch out your word Tzuyu,, What did she say??" Jungkook worriedly asked

"Ehh? You know her??" I asked him too

"Ah yeah,," He said scratching his hair

"How??" I asked again

"Yah!! It's a Long story, Anyway, Let's Just forget it... Let's just enjoy our date, Shall we?" He sweetly asked


It takes a few hour for us to finish eating so here we are, at the bench, looking at the beautiful stars

Oh gosh!! Stars?!

I looked down to my phone and Look at the time and It is still 8pm...wait 8?!?...

Lately, when we arrived at the restaurant, It was 5 in the afternoon but now, It 8!!

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked that makes me jump

"Ah yeah, Don't worry I'm fine"

"No, I mean, you just shouted 8 Lately...."

"Ahh hehehe I was just shocked by the time hehehe" I did do the 'hehe' laugh

"Ah, Jinja!! Why do you need to be cute??" He said Blushing....Pffftt.... "Hahahaha!"


He was just so cute...

"Uhh, Is there something funny?"

"No, no, Hahaha sorry" I said still laughing "You were just so cute!"

"Like you, Lisa" He said, Smirking

"How much do you love me Kookie?" I said and we became serious

"Love doesn't count muffin, My love is infinite just for you" He said seriously but smiling sweetly


Awieeee!! <3 what a love story,,

Hehehehe... anyways, please enjoy our next chapter and please dont forget what I remind to you



THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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